Blue Sky Trainee (Kim Kiri)


LeeMichi| Krisi| Activeness: 9



Wanna know about me?

Character's Name: Kim Kiri

Nicknames: Riri


Birthday: 16th of July 1997

Birth place: Korea

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea 

Have you lived in Korea? How long? : Yes. For 14 years 

Bloodtype: A+

Ethnicity: Korean

Nationality: Korean

Languages:Korean - fluen; English - fluen; Chinece - fluen

Who's Playing You?

First face claim: JANG HAE BYEOL

Links: 1 2 3 4

Back up face claim: PARK HYOJIN

Links: 1 2 3 4

Height: 5.5 ft (i'm not sure if this is right but it's sopoust to be 168 cm)

Weight: 51 KG

Style| | likes to show her age thru her fashon style. She likes to appear unique and if somebody has the same this as her she will freak out and try to change something about it. She is a little fashanista.

The extras: lived in Canada in Toronto for 2 years

What's she like?

Personality: not-funny; quiet at first; shy; gets attached eyes; cry baby; gets scared eyes
Personality verfied:She thinks that she is really funny but in reality she isn't. When you meet her for the first time you may think that she can't talk but if you get close to her she leaned shut up. She is timid around people that she doesn't know and she sees for the first time. If you become friends you won't be able to get rid of her, her friends tell her that sometimes she's like a stalker. If you even think about leaving her alone she will cry and she can't watch a drama without crying. She can't watch horror movies and screams if someone jump scares her.
- Anime/manga
-Horror films
-Two faced people,
- liars, 
-Mean people
-Loosing at games
-Getting up early
-Yelling when overexaded
-Biting her lip when she's shy
-Hitting people when laughing
-Randomly dancing
-Reading manga
-Watching manga
Those flaws...|
-She forgets to close sometimes
-Forgets what lenglech she's speaking 
-Stops in the middle of a sentence and starts talking about something else
- She is scared of birds and of heights
She is a very sleepy girl but when she's with her friends she gets hyperactive. 
When she was little she wore bracelets but now she doesn't but she steel has a little lisp. 

Now this is a story all about  how...



Kim Kiri was born on the 16th of July in Seoul, Korea in a middle class household. When she was a child she always smiled. When she was 3 years old her mother was expecting a second child but when she was 4 months pregnant she spontaneously aborted. That's when Her parents started fighting with each other. During that time she became depressed and lost most of her friends. After a lot of fighting her parents finally divorced shortly after she turned 4.

For the first year after the divorce she was one week with her dad’s and one week with her mom’s. When she turned 5 her dad got married again and she couldn't take it and broke up all contacts with him. Later the same year she developed a passion for dance. After that she starts taking different types of dance lessons.

When Kiri is 7 her mom starts designing clouds and 4 years after that the two of them go to Canada because of better payment.

Kiri docent makes new acquaintances when she moves and she loses touch with her other friends. She is lonely all the time but she never stopped dancing. After 2 years she auditions for SM and is immediately accepted.


Family| Mother - Kim Shira - 36 - Disainer - 3 - Loving; Party person


Best Friend|Kris- 23- EXO- 5 - dorky - Kiri tripped in the hallway in the SM building and fell on Kris, almost breaking his' nose. As a sorry she treated him to coffee. They found out that both of them had lived in Canada and they got close pretty quickly.


Friends|Sam- 17 - student OC- 4 - Nice: Caring: Funny


My Love!


Love interest: Kai (Kim Jongin)

Age & Birthday: 19: 14th of January 1994

Group: EXO

Group: EXO


Personailty: Sweet: Shy; Funny


Personailty verified: The Kai that is on stage has nothing in comment with Kim Jongin except the dancing talent. Unlike Kai Jongin is sweet and shy. He likes to talk with his friends and prefers smiling and not smirking. He's funny, expeshaly wen he's with his friends. He likes to joke around.


How you guys met: Kris introduced Kiri to everyone in Exo


How you act around each other: awkward and shy


Status: Crush


Scene requests? : no



On the way to the top

How was the trainee life?:

When Kiri started training, at first she was too shy to dance in front of other people but slowly she started getting used to it and after a couple of months she could dance freely. During the first year she met Sam, another trainee with a really nice voice. The two of them become close really quickly and soon they were always together.

Sam was a trainee before her and after 1 year he quit. Kiri was really sad that she couldn't see him everyday but they stayed friends.

After Sam quit she promise herself that she will debut in the next 4 years and she worked even harder than before. She didn’t have her bracelets anymore.Soon  she mate with the other 4 members of Sky Blue and the five of them become close friends.


Trainee years: 3


Pre debut activites: Dancing at school shows


Any scandals?: No


Want any scandals? If you do, suggestions?: Yes, rumors about Kris and Kiri dating


That's who she is


Persona: The sweet dancing machine

Personal Fanclub name: kittys

Fanclub colour:#ff99ff

Dancing twin: Victoria


Social networking sites?:

Twitter: Kirikim_kitty

Weibo: Kirikitty

How about the fanservice?: Write little messages  in the three lengluges that she knows

All on your own: MCing. Acting


Are you messy or neat: a little bit messy

Can you cook and clean?: Yes 

How do you feel about roomies?: I have no problem with them

Who would you get along with?: Everyone

Who would you NOT get along with?: Someone who is big headed

Any concepts you really want Blue Sky to try out?: A strong concept will be nice but anything is fine


And I think that's it! 

Comments!: I hope I didn't make too many mistakes. I normally don't like those types of fanfics but I felt like this one is interesting already and I like it.


Scene suggestions: maybe going to SMTown and having fun with the other artists


Song suggestions:


Number 9 by T-ara


Twinkle by TTS 


May I make changes?: Yes


Do you like the drama and angst?: Yes


Random question: Do you like the disney films?: Some of them yes but the newer ones not so much



Back to story!






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