My Mum Will Never Understand Me.. :(

You saw the title right..?Yes,it's true.My mum will NEVER understand me...Is it wrong if I want to sleep with my towel?Nothing wrong right.But my mum is mad at me just because I always sleep with my towel..So I cried just now.Why my mum is so mean..I feel like..I'm not the real child in my family *sigh*

Whatever I do is WRONG at my parents eyes and my siblings eyes.


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kkaebsongg- #1
Don't be sad! Or... I won't give you cookies, otl, haha
Maybe your mom is just under stress and she isn't in the mood for your random-doings (just like me, haha, we do the same, to be honest).
Look at the bright side! Your mom is 'scolding' you not because she doesn't understand you, she's maybe trying to sop this habit of yours, you'll never know it might help!
For instance, you're already married and you go sleep in your towel near your husband (byuntae mode on /kicked 1000000 times) so yep, otl
It's just a small thing. You have to bear with it.
duviet #3
honey ,seriously
you mom also is in kinda stress ,or sometimes also tired. u need to know that your mom is also sad because of your father's issue. she always yells at you because she wants you to do right! she isnt yelling at you because she hates you or because she's having fun seeing you crying everyday, because she's your mother and she wants you to do right in the future. Also, please stop saying that you ate having a sad life , you hate your life, seriously , i got enough people who are saying they hate their lifes and it starts to get annoying! -.-"
you're so young , and I'm not that old yet to scold you like i'm already an adult , but i also don't like you posting that you hate your life...
It's okay. Maybe she is tired or stressed. and yeah,sometimes you just need to bear with it [points down] xD

At least your parents don't hug you only once a year. guess what,my parents are like that xD sometimes I never feel their hug. and I'm just 'oh it's okay. I have kpop' while crying xD
and you think ur the only one who's feeling
like that .. /sigh/
My bday is TMR but my mom went away .. -_-
Sometimes you just need to bear with it!!
Owww don't say like that.
Maybe there's something wrong,thats why your mom scold you.
One more.
If your parents scold you,thats means they love you.