Tagged.. by goosecaryoseob

Sorry I broke some of the rules.. I'll tag you sometime eh? :D


The Rules:
1: Post the rules rule
2: Answer the questions the tagger asked, then make 11 new ones rule
3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post rule
4: Let them know you've tagged them

1.whould you take a boat to cuba or take a bicycle to never land ?

Boat to cuba I guess..? I mean- why would I take a bicycle to never land...

2.How to make the best coffee ever?

I don't know about that.. hehe

3. Starbucks or Coffee bean?(I am seriously craving for coffee right now.)

Starbucks I guess.. Even tho I don't really drink coffee..

4.Best looking male ?

Of course, Infinite's Myungsoo (L). Although I'd prefer Dongwoon.. our SonNamShin XD

5. What is your favourite colour?

Blue.. hey, isn't it the same as Dujun's?

6.10 things about your dream guy?

Let's see.. I don't need to say much.. The list goes on, but the conclusion is; Yang Yoseob XD (actually my dream guy is the OT6 combined together... but that's impossible so yeah~)

7. I have been wearing a ring on finger but people think I have gotten married but I was just wearing it bcuz without it I feel so empty , should I still wear it?

Maybe you should just wear it. Is a ring just for married people? No, right? So... I think you should just wear it. Unless you're really uncomfortable of people saying you're married... :)

8.Do you wish that haters will stop making people upset?

Yupe, there's nothing better than hoping that haters shutting their mouth and hurting people's heart. Sorry, but did they experienced traumatic things? Maybe they were hated so much before.. oh well~

9.Wouldn't it be amazing if there is a band called Triller? Why?

I don't know about that. Because I heard so much unique names in the KPOP industry that I don't know which is weirder XD I'm curious... why Triller?

10.(I am listing alot of random things) The first thing that pops up in your mind, when people say chicken?

I can't help it because my friend is a shawol..  so I'd think of Onew hehe :>

11.Why are colours, colours?

Maybe you should ask Hyunseung hahaha XD


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goosecaryoseob #1
Hahahaha the second last one was all the same answers, onew ! He Is just too obsessed with chicken