I'm so tagged.. again by b2utyfoolme

Okay... there's been a lot of tagging scenes on my blog these days //sigh// guess it's tiring. XD


The Rules:

1: Post the rules rule
2: Answer the questions the tagger asked, then make 11 new ones rule
3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post rule
4: Let them know you've tagged them



1. In your mp3 player, do you have more KPOP songs than your own country singers or not?

Believe me... of course I have more KPOP songs XD. Not that I don't like my country's songs. But please... they're already in the radios and they play it everyday so yeah~ You get me right? :D

2. Had you ever jumped bias? y?

Since I became a B2UTY, I never really jumped bias because Yoseob is just so cute, so handsome and so angelic ah I just can't---  But it may sometimes feel like I fall hard for the other members... but yeah~ I never really did jump bias. (except if you ask me that I jumped bias from Yonghwa to Yoseob ehehe ==")

3. What is one things about ur bias that you hate? (I have love-hate relationship with Yoseob's abs)

Tell me about it! I truly don't get it now... Because sometimes I just think people who show others their abs looked... uhmm let's just say abs aren't necessary. I hate it because it altered his cute image. But I can't hate it because he does look charismatic and handsome and confident... 

4. Had you ever voted for your bias on MNET or any Korean voting system?

Not really.. unless you count MAMA.. hihi~ I'm really voting for them but I guess EXO is kinda leading and I don't know. But I vote anyway~ :D

5. Had you ever pretend not to like KPOP just coz ur friend/relative/siblings hate them?

Yes.. and I'm really sorry that I can't be REALLY proud that I actually has fallen deep for KPOP :<  Well.. not because they hate it but the thing is KPOP isn't really the thing that's really normal for them... (please.. you know what I mean -.-)

6. Can you recommend any good angsty fic (regardless of any pairings) to me?

Sorry... but I kinda can't remember any angsty things right now hehe... ;)

7. What is one fic that you've read ages ago but still gave an impact till now? (theres a lot but...I will choose Taxi Series byhimawarixxsandz)

Impact, huh? I think it really hasn't THAT much impact, but really memorable, I guess~ (Why isn't my barin functioning today?) Let me see.. your fic I guess? MMMB... that was a good one. There's a LOT but yeah...

8. What is your major turnoff in reading fics? (I hate stories that long winding and did not make sense and suddenly jumped ot and happily ever after)

I'm actually really picky in choosing what to read. There's a lot of thing I need to get myself comfortable, and following it 'til the last chap. It seems that I really hate fics that go for too long, but the contents were pretty much useless. But, I just keep subscribing it.... but I don't read'em haha...

9. What do yout think of AFF new fonts? (I HATE IT)

I don't understand what's the motive of this font-changing things... Made it looked like an old blog XD

10. If we could meet up in real life, do you wanna meet up?

I guess so, why not right? It's awesome meeting someone with the same interests face to face :D

11. You guys dont mind being tagged by me rite?

Of course... not. I like doing this kind of thing but I don't like about the making questions part.. gave me a headache just thinking of questions OTL


I'm sorry that I didn't make any questions... I'm just so tired and my battery's gonna die soon XD

maybe next time, kays??



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