I don't know what to do.

I have no idea why I miss RP but I do. I miss how I used to be in RP though. I use to be fun and entertaining but I've gotten so dull. I'm not even interested in doing anything anymore. I'm lacking that inspiration. Those crack  RP couples that I use to write fanfics about (Yes I wrote fanfics). I just miss it all. I want my friends back, but what am I going to do in return? Just be boring and come on what, once every 2 days? I don't see the point in that. Maybe I should return in the summer. The time where I am fun and not boring or worrying about school. I just hope I can be how I was so I can make you, my friends, happy once more. I do think about you all every day because you guys are my family despite if we spoke about what 2 months ago? I don't care, because once you entered the RP(s) you became someone I cannot forget. Thank you again to those that I have RPed with, it has been a great pleasure. <3


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It's been a pleasure to rp with you :3