If anyone would like to recommend a fanfic for me to read, I'd greatly appreciate it. I've been looking for one for like ever and I can't find one I really like! So please help me XD here are my regulations:

SHINee or EXO (I really like 2min an JongKey, but others are cool too) 

no girls (like the character can't be turned into a girl. GenderBender is okay, as long as they're really a boy and ya know all that stuff) 

Must be more than a few chapters (I want a long on thy I can really get into please) 

im not very picky so yeah... That's about it! Please just comment and you really liked and think I will too, PRETTY PLEASE!? 

THANK YOU *bows deeply* 


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Heart On Reset - Author: Ayo_waddup (very cryptic and complex; it may not be for everyone but I loved it a lot. Bonus: SHINee make a lot of appearances.)
Paper Mâché - Authors: Purple Pluto, siahna (chances are you've already read this, but if not you should definitely check it out!)
Disturbance - Author: supermiri (unrequited love fic! The best kind, in my opinion. Jongkey.)
Chemically Imbalanced - Author: mikssi (Caution: mental illness, character death. Jongkey and Minkey.)
there is a good EXO one called Forbidden Love. there are 49 chapters i thing its really good. just a suggestion (^_^) heres the link if you want to read it.
I write a lot of 2min stuff if you're ever interested. I recommend heartykeykey's stuff also. good luck!