Answer to 'SJakari'

So I got myself tagged~!


1. Who is your ultimate bias?

Eunhyuk from Super Junior 

2. Do you like your bias to be gay/lesbo?

Well, I don't actually mind.

3. Do you read often? If yes, which couple?

Not much these days. HaeHyuk hehe

4. Are you into K Drama? Your favourite?

I'm more into mystery and dark theme rather than romcom. My favourite right now is The Suspicious Housekeeper ♥

5. Do your family or friends know about aff?

My parents know I write stories but they don't know about what and aff while some of my friends know and read them. 

6. Did u have a boyfriend/girlfriend? If yes, did they know about aff?

I have a boyfriend earlier this year but we broke up and they didn't know about aff. 

7. Working or studying?

I prefer working. Studying is hell. 

8. Reading or writing here?

Reading hehe

9. What is your wish that you hope become true?

I want to become smarter if possible. Especially in Maths. Q~Q

10. If your bias lives in your house, how will you treat him/her?

I'll treat him like an older brother. huehue

11. What is your reaction if your bias is marrying someone you don't like/approve of?

Cry. It's not like I can do anything to change his mind though and I don't like him as a soulmate. ^^

Okay! So that's my answers! I won't tag anyone because I know I will get re-tagged. How do you think about my answers? 


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sujuxexo #1
I love your answer because it's straight-forward.
anyway, can you tell me about the suspisicious houskeeper?
because i am so into kdrama and where did you watch it?