tagged by LittleBirdieBird

1)Bananas or Potatoes?

- bananas!!! 

2)If you bumped into your bias on the street, what would you do?

- i might be squealing the whole time >.<

3)Describe your life in five words.

- kpop, crazy, complicated, fun, happy ;)

4)A good and great poster/graphic shop that you would reommend?

- neverland designs 1.0 and turnips graphic shop

5)Authors/stories that you would recommend? 

- trinitythe road tripof circles and starsand not too young <-- wih links

6)If I get kidnapped and I asked for your help (even though that is kinda impossible), would you help me?

- of course :D

7)Your OTP and why

- i have many otps lol

yoonhae(they're my first actually.. i really believe they're real but i think they've broken up..)

kyuna(they're sooooooooo cute together)

exoyoong(they're adorable asdfgh)

gyoon(haha i think they look good together >.<)

8)A couple that you have no idea why everyone ships them and why don't you ship them?

-taecyoon. i don't like taecyeon that much. i think they have many shippers because of family outing but their love lines are scripted so i don't think there's anything to spazz about lol.. and i don't like this pairing because it's one of the reasons why yoona has antis ugh

9)Are you afraid of thunder? Because I am seriously scared of thunder.

-a little.. my hear jumps when i hear one hehe

10)If you could date your bias, what would the first date be like? (of what is the first scenario that comes to your mind?

- ASDFGHJKL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  i can't think properly lol


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Omg thanks for doing it!