Moving on


Yes, I am now near-sighted and I see it as a big threat to my studies… whenever we have an exam, I would ask my seatmate for assistance on what was written on the board and my teacher would scold us thinking that we were cheating so uhmm as you can see my grades in 2nd grading compared to the 1st are way different and I totally decreased so uhhh I decided to change my seat and seat on the second row from the first… I was sitting on the fourth row before… whenever my classmate was absent I would sneak in and seat at her place… I really like that spot for it can clearly view both two boards and I’m straight to the teacher so I really need t o pay attention, I just hope that this time, it would work and I get to raise my grades


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VampireKnights #1
hahaha ..i hope u will raise ur grades
you need glasses :D