

I have already mentioned that im probably busy right? Well these are my upcoming appointments and stuffs which explains why I wont be active later


·         Dec 1-2: exam

Yuppo its two days with about 12 or more subjects… I’m gonna whack my brain again just to survive phew…


·         Dec 7: English fest… declamation contest

Uhuh I volunteered to be the declamation contestant of our year evel… I get to be on stage several times so it’s not a problem the piece is too short which is entitled as ‘bad girl’ and so memorizing it is not a problem but damn I need a freaking costume >.<


·         Dec 10-13: RSPC

The most awaited contest ^^ puff puff puff we would be going to koronadal to compete and I won’t be able to go out… yoijj31 is also part of the contest so she’s with me during that time


·         Dec 15: year-end party

Gifts gifts and gifts our very last party as a highschool student… I really wonder what kind of gift should I buy… and what kind of gift will the others give me? I really wish that it would be a teddy bear ^^


·         Dec 16-20: fieldtrip

There is still no exact date for such activity though it ranges on that day… I would be with my three dongsaengs! Yoimjj31, freakincool09 and missdollar ^^


So I would end it there for now, ill just update you for the rest…


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VampireKnights #1
u really seems busy !
Won't attend le field trip. You just misspelled my name, it's YOIMJJ31 no yoijj31 XD
Jkitty_123 #3
Wow! Busy busy busy I hope u get some good rest tOo