Awesome people,come here for a moment and choose.

Which one suit the color? I don't know.
I become confuse because of the font outline color /slapped/

The first one,

or maybe,,

The second one,

If you want to leave your critics,you may. That would be great xD
Thanks a lot for wasting your time choosing. /throws cookies/


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I prefer the first one :D
the second one :33
--kyeopta #3
Both are really pretty!
But I would choose the second one. c:
EverLasTing_Kpopper #4
The first one. The color blends well ~~
Wow! Both are good!
But if I have to choose, I'll choose the second one.
Damn! they are both really good!! The first one is so cool cuz I'ts so much blue ^^ and the second one as well, it's warmer than the first, more warmer colors.
But if I really have to choose, then I'll choose the first one. The Cold colors really fit together with the girl :D
the second one. ^^
I like both, but I'm probably leaning towards the first one 'cause the colors match better.
i love the second one. :)
ktak_dbwh_tempurung #10
The first one :)
I_LoveMyBiases #11
the first one because the color blend well. :)
exotics99 #12
both actually ,

but i prefer the 1st one i guess..
HaleyYesul #13
mm The second :3
ButterflyShida #14
The second one is the best choice!