Got tagged ^_^ ♥

tagged by littlexoticarmyel


1) What show would you want your biases appear on?
-Weekly Idol, Strong Heart or Star King I just love these 3 shows their hosts are hilarious XD 

2) Would you rather get to spend two weeks with your biases but they end up forgetting about you, not even one trace about you in their brain and memory or get to spend a day with them but they do remember who you are?
-A day and they remember me ^^ Because after that they'll know who I am if we see each other again :D 

3) Date your enemy or see your enemy date your bias?
-I don't have enemies lol so anything's fine XD 

4) Be a backup dancer for your fav group or a staff at the label they are signed under?
-Backup dancer (though I at dancnig XD)

5) Pick three favourite groups and name one of your bias in it. ONLY ONE (This isn't a question, more like a demand haha)
-DBSK (I know they're not a group official but :P), Super Junior, EXO -Jaejoong (not really but the first name that poped in my mind, /signs Light xD), Heechul (the diva's back biaches XD), Chanyeol (he's just my ideal type, I acutally don't have a bias in any group because I'm not the one to make favorites >_<)

6) What is your dream?
-To live and work in Korea, possibly as a translator :3

7) Favourite food?
-Meat... lol 

8) What's your favourite song right now?
-Light by Kim Jaejoong

9) Your favourite drama?
-Heirs (because I'm watching them at the moment lol)

10) Who are your favourite actors and actresses?
-Lee Minho (though I said I hate him after the ending of City Hunter) and Kang Sora (she's just pretty *Q*)

11) Do you ship your biases with each other?
-Don't have biases, but I ship everyone XD 



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