torieee Tagged Me!

Rule 1: post the questions

Rule 2: answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones

Rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post

Rule 4: let them know you've tagged them


Tagged By: torieee

1. Who is your ultimate bias in K-Pop? 

BaekYeol (Am I allowed to do that? I love them both equally)

2. What is your favorite drama? 

Full house. That drama got me started on this whole drama craze :DD

3. Is there any idol group you can absolutely not stand?

No. I don't have issues with groups. It's mostly fanbases I have issues with.

4. What is your ideal type?

My boyfriend <3

5. What's the least favorite thing about yourself?

If I had to pick something, my tummy. I have this little bit of fat that just doesn't go away xP *pouts*

6. If you were stranded on an island, who would you choose to be stranded with & why?

Celebrity or non-celeb? Non-celeb would be my boyfriend. Celeb would be Chanyeol. Baekkie would be too diva for me LOLLLLL

7. The K-Pop group that got you into K-Pop?

SHINee (Replay STILL rocks my world!)

8. Your biggest pet peeve?

People who want a pity party and tries to get you to pity them in every way possible

9. A K-Pop Idol of the same gender you envy?

Yoona. Need I elaborate on this one?

10. Out of the Big Three, which is your favorite company?

Without a doubt, SM.

11. State a positive statement about yourself. 

I can fart the alphabet LOL jkjk

Umm... A positive statement. I am short and I love it! 


(I don't want to make any new questions or tag people because I already did and I don't have the brain power to think of any good questions right now. Maybe later?)




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