★summer | best alliance app★











gender female
birthname ingrid park (sol-eun)
date of birth 30/10/1995
age 18
hometown seoul, korea
birthplace london, england
ethnicity british-korean
weight 46.5kg
height 167cm
languages english [fluent], korean [fluent], chinese [basic]
likes horror movies, extreme sports, pink+blue, icecream, puppies, children, fruits, candies
dislikes bugs, lizards, garlic, lemon, bitter
hobbies cooking, jogging, soccer, playing the guitar
trivias (optional) -her brother is park jaehyun, an ulzzang
-she cant swim -she's flexible because she was a gymnast
-she's called the five-yr-old because she's like a kid. some of her other nicknames are 'choding', 'happy virus', 'baby leader' and 'mighty vocals'.
-she has high metalbolism
-she's a fast runner
-she at math
-she likes vegetables
-she loves extreme sports and is an adrenaline lover

personality (1-2para) summer's weird -- someone who laughs at almost everything. she's easily amused and at the same time, she gets bored easily. she's always full of happiness, going around and spreading love, laughters-- well, literally happiness. she has a dorky laughter that makes people laugh along. summer's a really cute girl, someone who does cute things instead of acting cute. she isn't the 'aegyo' type but rather the 'dorkycute' type. she's caring, full of sincerity and polite. she's the type of girl who doesn't hate anyone and she's loved by many. she doesn't judge someone and she'll love all her friends. for example, she'll go and support all her friends' comeback, she'll remember their birthdays, she'll cook food for them and more. excitement, happiness and positivity is the main things about her. she looks at the positive part in life. summer's really a skinship person and she hugs all her close friends. girls, boys, sunbaenims or hoobaes all love summer - because she's nice. she's such a dork~ funny, adorable, loud and just like a 5-year-old kid. one more trait about her is that she doesn't get angry easily. come on, summer's someone you can't hate. she's someone that will trigger a part of your heart, making you like her. 
although she's all cute and bright, summer is a really sensitive person. she can't stand mean jokes about her and she gets really upset over it. she's paranoid and sometimes annoying. summer can be so excited she forgets when's the right time to play. she's like a prankster, fun but irritating. sometimes, she'll go hyper in the car while everyone's trying to rest and it annoys many people. however, after all the annoying things she does, people still love her. summer's very panicky and worries alot. she's a busybody but she's trying to control her inner curiousity. summer's always bright and cheerful that she loves attention. yes, she likes being talked to, cared for and she loves it when everyone puts their attention on her. she feels... happy. she's very enthusiatic about things and very participative. she loves taking the lead and sometimes, her talkative side may be viewed as bossy. she's full of creativity and randomness, always wanting to be part of things. she loves spatting in random logic at person's conversations, sometimes its witty, sometimes its dumb and stupid. don't be fooled by her innocent look because she's smart and quick-witted. however, she always pretend to not know things, hoping that things will just continue normally. although she's nice and friendly, she isn't the "smooth social princess" but more like the "weird and awkward kid making a friend". sometimes, she's quite embarrassing but that just makes her funny. and no --- summer's not easy going. she's stubborn and being a very participative & boss-like girl, she'll want to fight for her points. she's very diplomatic and perseverant. she wouldn't give up untill things goes her way, or... the other party is more logical. however, she'll never get mad in these argumentative conversations. she's just being competitive. however, she never does cleaning up. she likes cooking though and she love cooking for everyone.

background (1-2para) summer grew up with her parents and her elder brothers -- zachary park and jason park. she's the youngest of the family. she grew up being the moodmaker of the family, cheering up all her oppas and her parents~ being the youngest, she believes that she's incharge of bringing happiness to everyone. her parents worked day and night to support the family and she feels that she should make everyone happy. hence, she's full of smiles. one reason is because she doesn't want her parents to worry about her. she's often spoilt by her brothers, but at the same time- they fight alot. all of them is really stubborn so the three siblings grew up arguing and caring about each other at the same time. it's funny but that made them really close. her brothers are funny and also pranksters -- that's why she's so pranksy and annoying. first, she was borned in london and stayed there till she was nine. her mother's a korean who can speak english and her father's a british. they decided to move to korea and that's where she stayed for another four years before she was scouted by yg entertainment. 
since young, she was given singing lessons in england, singing english songs. as soon as she was 3, she loved dancing and singing. she would stand infont of the tv, while watching a dance show and jamming to musics. as soon as she was scouted, she trained really hard for it. her singing was good, rapping good but her dancing was still a little less strong. people thought she will never make it -- they thought she's just a one-talent and looked down on her. but she trained harder each day, being the stubborn girl, she persevered all the way. she wanted to show everyone they are wrong. though she had been going through alot as a trainee, she kept her smiles on her face. her family gave their full support and always showered her with love. but at the third year of her in yg, her family wanted to move back to england. her parents and zach moved back, while summer and jason stayed in korea. jason's a male ulzzang and also a trainee under pledis ent. he's also known as park jaehyun. 



stage name summer
persona dorky candy
position main vocalist, lead rapper, subdancer, co-leader
trainee years 5 years
fanclub name heartstrings
fanclub colour light pink          
singing twin ailee
dancing twin hyuna
rapping twin(optional) cl



faceclaim lee jieun (iu)
links 1 - 2 - 3
backup tiffany hwang
links 1 - 2
style (describe) it varies from cute to swag to simple to girly. there's times when she's just wearing a beanie, or a snapback with casual tees. or sometimes, in floral dress. but mostly, she wears sneakers. heels aren't really her thing unless it's for events or it's really necessary. she loves beanies or caps because it helps prevent her hair from flying all over her face. she likes cropped tees, esp during summers (hhahhaaha get it? summer?). she likes shorts and hoodies. at home, she wears onesies to sleep.



love interest park chanyeol
group exo
age 20
relationship (no dating) friends
personality he's weird, talkative and the famous derp in exo. he's all smiley-face and cheerful, hyper and noisy. but behind those smiles, he's a really romantic and nice guy, with a soft heart for cute girls. he's polite, friendly, kind and funny.
back up baekhyun
love rival luhan, kris, baekhyun
close friends top, bom, gd, wooyoung, jessica, eunji, myungsoo, luhan, kris, baekhyun, chanyeol, cl
we got married park chanyeol or byun baekhyun or kim myungsoo




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