tagged by feelkyo

Hey~I've done this tag game before and since I'm in high spirits let's play a little :3 won't tag anyone though but in case you want to see mah weirdness here's a fresh portion:

1. What will you do now if tomorrow is the end of the world? XD (if u ask me, I'll pray. Lol)
confess to my crush .//////. and drown in shinhwa afterward

2. What is a thing you love from your bias? (Just one thing)
voice...really calms me down sometimes when i'm upset or anxious

3. If you have a super power to read people mind for once (just once), whose mind will you read?
i'm not sure if i want to know what dirty and terrifying things people are thinking owo

4. What is a thing you hate from people in your surrounding?

5. What is a thing you hate from yourself? :p
that i give hardcore advice to my friends to toughen them up and then run away with my tail between my legs when i should be stepping up OTL

6. If you're a Miss World, what would you do for your country? (What a weird question xD)
idk maybe take down all the conservative rich white men of our government LOL

7. Is there another group from Korea that you loved? If there, what is it? And why?
hmmm i'd say fiestar? if we're talking about kpop hehe because they're a group of really nice and talented girls...it's also not often that i really care about other groups at all oops

8. If you have a time machine and have a right to use it, what time will you go to?
thE FUTURE or not use it at all because my past is filled with an embarrassing adolescence that i never want to see again and the future might be scary ;A;

9. Do you like Hyesung? Yes or no, tell me why...

10. Which one do you prefer, an angst or a fluffy story?

11. If you could be a flower for a day, what kind of flower would you be? If u don't want to answer, it's ok. (◦'⌣'◦ )
i'd be one of them fluffy dandelions that scatter fluff everywhere when the wind blows by :3


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feelgyo #1
Awww..u did it (ʃƪ´▽`)♥
Thankyou so much author-nim <3

No.3 are u seriously didn't want to read people mind? There's one chance. Why u assume other mind is dirty? =="

No.6 hahaha~ actually u're the 2nd person who answer no.6 willingly xD the others just skip it xD and what's wrong with the conservative rich white man? XD

No.8, u didn't want the time machine? Fine, I'll take it lol

No.10 angst? T^T

No.11 ohh..oke fine *blow u hard* hahahaha~

This is so much fun, thanks for answering author-nim ^^ <3 <3 <3