i'm tagged.........finally yaaaaaaaaaaaaay

                                     i can believe i'm finally,finally tagged,and it's from my lovely friend(HodoriNim)

                                                                                     thanks,unnie ♥♥♥♥


1: Post the rules

2: Answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones

3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post

4: Let them know you've tagged them





here's the questions:

1.    What had introduced you to AFF?

well,i have to admit,once u know infinite u can't be normal anymore.so,ther were absolutely the main reason i'm here right now,especially woogyu couple.i was just search for rondom things about them and i got here by accident and since then,my life goes completely insane.

2.    You prefer to read chaptered fic or oneshots?

oneshots for sure.since i don't have anytime to read a chaptered story and most of all,i'm not that patient to wait the update.but,well,there's always some exceptions,like hogyu kkkkkkkkkk


3.    If you’re to choose a father anda mother of Infinite from the seven members, who would they be and why?

Okey.this doesn't make sense,unnie.and i want to kill u for such a question because i want all of them as husbands actually hhhhhhhhhhhh but anyway,if i have to choose,i'd like my father to be dongwoo since he's so kind,pure and funny and i always saw him as a great father in the future(not to mention he reminds me of my lovely,childish dad ^-^).and for the mommy,maybe sungyeol?idk i just think he's the most suitable for that role kkkkkkkk

4.    Do you love rain? Why/why not?

yup yup i love it so much.generally i love winter so much and because the rain is so romantic and when it falls it brings life for everything,like it's cleaning everything and i feel that after it there's a new,fresh life out there waiting for us to live it(OMG i'm so fluffy)

5.    Who’s your favorite author and the best fic of that author that you like?

there're a lot of good authors here on aff and really i can't choose.i have to agree with u that shadowkissed and y_hobaby are from my fav authors ever,but i guess i'll choose orange one.her stories are perfect,detailed and satisfying and i really enjoy reading them so much and if i have to choose one of her amazing stories,i'll choose(books)for sure.it's woogyu and it's one of the first fics i've ever read here and still i have it on my mobile to read it when i get bored.

6.    If you ever write a story, what inspires you?

well,basically i ship a very uncommon pairs and i love those pairs that have tension between them and they're not that close and when they're,they gave us the best fanservie ever(talking about hogyu here...yah i'm obsessed hhhhhhh).anyway,i guess it's from the videos and moments i see those pairings together into.and ofc my wild, mind does the rest of the job for me.

7.    Do you know that I love you?

yeah,i know and i love u too,unnie.muaaaaaaah ♥♥♥

8.    What is the language that you really want to learn?

korean,korean,korean aaaaaaaaaaaand korean for sure.

9.    Where would you go for your honeymoon?

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm this's hard.there're a lot of good places to go to.maybe the maldivies?or maybe thiland.i love nature and i think those places would be very romantic.but i prefer sea more so,i guess i'd go to the coast.

10.  Between a kiss and a hug, which one do you like the most?

i prefer a hug because it's warmer but if the kiss was on the nose,i can't really help but to choose it.i love childish acts.

11.  You like a sweet-talker guy or a blunt and straightforward guy?

idk,i didn't have a boyfriend before and i don't talk that much with boys,so......really idk.but i'd prefer a mannered guy who takes care of his look and has an enough amount of culture and knowledge,good at his work,nice and reliable.

thanks again for tugging me,unnie :)



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I would definitely choose Dongwoo as a father because he's so kind and caring and I can't imagine him yelling. Haha as for the mother, idk, maybe Woohyun.
Omg! You like orange one! She's one of my favorite authors, too. Have you by any chance read read her 'Lost in the echoes'? It's a woogyu one shot, she took it out of AFF, sadly. I swear she got me into woogyu!