My Birthday message for Kris♡

I don’t know how to start this but, okay, Happy Birthday Kris, today is your special day! First of all, thank you, I never knew I’d be this in love with EXO. I’m happy to have you in my world now and the rest of EXO members. I don’t know why but you’ve taken over my mind from the very first time that I saw you. Thinking of you makes me happy and whenever I see your smile, I would also smile.

How I wish I could spend your birthday with you, but since I live here in Philippines and you’re in Korea.. I can’t. :( Sometimes I pity myself for being poor and be a fan of yours, because I might never gonna see you personally. So, these things I can do for you now is to support you, care for you and love you.

There’s so many things I like about you, especially your flaws. Don’t hide it, in my eyes they’re beautiful. 

My birthday wish for you.. first, good health, be always healthy. I know right now, EXO is having tons of schedules.. you must be really tired. And be always happy! I love it when you smile. :) I wish nothing but the best for you, Kris. Thank you because you’ve made my little world brighter and I wish I could thank you personally. I want you to be happy on this day you were born 23 years ago. I thank God and your parents for your existence today! 

Don’t change. Please don’t change. May all the best come to you, baby.

November 6, 1990 was a special and blessed day where my Wu Yi Fan came into this world.  Happy 23rd Birthday, baby! I love you, always. 

-  Jackie.



(gif is not mine)


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