Tagged by CandyFae


The Rules:

1: Post the rules rule
2: Answer the questions the tagger asked, then make 11 new ones rule
3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post rule
4: Let them know you've tagged them


1. Do you hate me because I tagged you? //slapped

No... why would I?? XD

2. What's the song that you can't help singing aloud to?

- t-that's a realllllyyyy hard question cause i like to sing everything i hear XD but it's currently "Young and Beautiful" :))

3. or Yuri or.... none XDDDDDDDD

- !!!!!!

4. Favorite Couple? (Anything, be it boyxboy, girlxgirl, etc.)

- erm.... er, erm..... b-banghim?

5. If you can eat only one food for one year what would it be?

- oAo i will die. i will eat banana-s lol at least you can eat them and make smoothies and eat them with oats and etc etc etc

6. How did you find out about k-pop? ||D

- my cousin....

7. Angst or Fluff? (Forgive me but I like angst xDDDD)

- depends on the couple but i'm more of an angst type of person :)))

8. Cat or Dog?


9. What is the thing that you cannot live without?

- food. XD

10. Who is one of the most talented person that you ever saw in kpop? (try and think without your inner bias XDD)

- talented? well i don't really know a lot of people in Kpop but I think Himchan is really awesome with his Traditional Music. Himchannie was in a Music School for Music geniuses... oAo

11.  Are you an otaku? If yes then what's your favorite anime?

- well i used to be... My absolute favourite is still Tsubasa Chronicles and Black Cat~ :)))))


Now for my questions...


1. What's your favourite song? (CHOOSE ONLY ONE muahahaha)

2. Who is your ultimate OTP?

3. What's your favourite food?

4. What fanfic would you reccommend me to read? XDD

5. Which idol do you think is your type? (Without being biased to your biased okayyy)

6. What song is currently stuck in your head?

7. What is the one thing you can't live without?

8. If you were on a ship and the ship sank, who would save first. Your boyfriend or your bias? (assuming you could swim and your bias and lover is hopelessly drowning.)

9. How did you end up in AFF?

10. What's your bloodtype?

11. Do you love me??? ;www;




Im so sorry if it tagged you OTL


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