SHINee Enquete

  1. Do you love SHINee?
  2. If yes, how much? [If you don't love SHINee, you can skip this question.]
  3. Who is your favorite SHINee member?
  4. Who is your least favorite member?
  5. Who is the most handsome member?
  6. What's your favorite SHINee song? [Please decide on 1 song.]
  7. What's your least favorite SHINee song?
  8. If SHINee is your favorite group, what's your second favorite group? [Decide on 1 group. If SHINee isn't your favorite group, you can skip this.]
  9. What's your favorite SHINee pairing?
  10. What's your favorite SHINee straight pairing?




  1. do you still have to ask!?!?!?! ofc i love them
  2. with all my heart~!!!!!! i would never ever ever ever ever ever ever go to another group~!!!!
  3. BlingBling Jonghyun and Almighty Key~!!!
  4. that would be taemin. i don't know why but its taemin
  5. BlingBling Jonghyun (key is y~!!)
  6. favorite that one is hard i love all songs but if i have to choose one it would be RingDingDong because thanks to that song i became a shawol~
  7. least hmmm wild eye or was it wild bunny well the song name was with wild i didn't like
  8. second favorite~?  hmm that would be..... boyfriend? because of the jo-twins~ they are the same age as me ;)
  9. guess~...................... It's JongKey~!!!
  10. straight~? hmm that would be onchicken~ ;)




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