my app for locked heart

Application Form:

Name: Crystal Cha
Age: 16
Job: Student, Baby Sitter
Nickname: Jagiya by daniel only, to other it's just crystal
AFF Link:
Bloodtype: AB
sweet ,wise,and caring, or so i heari get scared easily when it comes to meeting new people, but that because i don't trust easily, you has to earn my trust, before I show you my fun, dorky, random, childish side, so only a few people know the real me. i'm a hard worker, who tries her best not to let anyone down, so i think of someone else before, I actually think of my self because i don't wan to hurt anyone. I hate when people cry, because it pulls at my heart. I very serious when it needed. If you hurt me, it will take a long time before i would trust you again. I don't like being used, unless you need help. I'm not a morning person at all, i tend to be more rude in the morning so, i'm quiet until i wake up 







Ulzzang / Model Used: Kim ShinYeong

Appearance of Love Interest: 







Love interest: Ahn Daniel

Age: 17


Personality: he can be seem stuck up and distance, but once you become friends, he extremely talkative and kind, he very outgoing and does anything to get what he wants, sometimes its a good thing and some time bad. he very protect of crystal, he hate when she crys, He also hates when someone say he can do something like being a bad boy. he also hates when people don't forgive him. he loves to joke around with friends. he hates when he gets judge by his friends,
Job: Student and  K-idol 
How do you like your story to flow? Daniel was crystal first friend when she first moved S.Korea, they were always close and pratically knew each other thoughts, soon she  developed a huge crush on him, But she hid  those feeling deep down,  soon he asked me to be his girlfriend, and everything became like dream, crystal had fell in love with daniel, she would think about him everytime they were apart, she only wanted to be by his side. Then the unpredictable happen he cheated with another idol so he could get the bad boy image for his kpop career, so the whole time he was just using crystal,and that she was to plain, and he told her that causing her heart to break and lock out any  thoughts of love, and noshe became cold to everyone and lost trust in people, but then he realize the he wasn't happy and he felt like he was missing with out  her, so he trys to win her trust and heart again                                                                                                                               



Please tell me if anything's wrong


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