My favourite lady tagged me so I'm obliged to answer!

The Rules:
1: Post the rules rule
2: Answer the questions the tagger asked, then make 11 new ones rule
3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post rule
4: Let them know you've tagged them

- Tagged by friedlittlefish -

1- Early bird or night owl? Why?
Early bird... Well, kind of. I'm up earlier than most of the girls that live in my uni house. I like to do my hair and makeup so it makes sense to be awake earlier and have time to do that. Is that really vain?

2- Something curious about yourself.
Curious... I mean I usually mention Korea at this point but you're all big fans so I don't know. 

3- Best book/fanfiction you've ever read and why.
ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS IS HANDS DOWN MY FAVOURITE BOOK EVER AND I LOVE IT. Literally, I've read and re-read that book so many times that I think I might go read it again now.

4- As you may or may not know, bullfighting is still a pretty popular practice in Spain. What are your thoughts about it? 
So here's the thing, I literally know nothing about it other than they wear fancy suits and one time in Lizzie McGuire they were on a gameshow and Gordo was dressed like a matedor. Although I may have made this up... *five minutes later* No, I googled it. That was definately a thing.

In short I don't think I'm qualified to answer... Do the bulls get hurt? That'd be sad. If a man goes into a ring and purposely godes an animal then he kind has an idea that he might get stabbed with a horn, but the poor bull doesn't have a clue. Eonnie, you might need to educate me.

5- Mountain or sea? Why?
Mountains, not a big fan of climbing them though. I mean I'm of Scottish blood and complextion so I just love the mountains. But I just think they're so beautiful! Mountains by the water are just perfect. Don't get me wrong, I love the sea but there is just a special place in my heart for mountain ranges. Plus I get burned by the sun so easily.

6- If a random stranger asked you to marry him tomorrow, what would your reaction be?
I'd decline. I'd taking a break from boys at the minute. Plus, I was out at this club on halloween and a guy came up to me and straight out said "I''m having a compitition with my friend so would you kiss me?" I was like bugger off man. Not ideal. Not gentelmanly!

7- Are you a good student or not? What is your favorite/most hated subject?
Terrible, I get so distracted. I love history and philosophy and I used to be so good at Religious Studies. I hated math. I really liked languges but could not do them for toffee. I just tried really hard and got no where.

8- The weirdest dream you've ever had.
I have lots of weird dreams. Like last night I had a dream that I was doing interviews for a film I was in with Robert Pattinson.

9- Do you have any goals? Aspirations, dreams?

JUST KIDDING. I have lots, but they're all considered kind of not what a girl of 19 should be thinking of... I want to be a good wife with a beautiful family, I want to teach or do some youth work, I want to just be happy.

10- How is your relationship with your family?
Excellent. We're all super close. Me, my mum, dad, sister and brother.
Literally I can tell Lucy just about anything, although I know she'll probably tell her fiance or mother so I kinda have to keep quiet sometimes... AWKWARD.

11- How many languages do you speak and how did you learn them?
I speak one, DON'T JUDGE ME. 
I want to speak more but I just can't learn them! I've tried French and it just wasn't for me. 


I won't directly tag anyone because I don't really know anyone. so... this is awkward.


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