English Major

Often times I wonder why I'm an English major. Honestly, I don't like reading so doesn't it seem rather pointless for me to be in a major that requires reading? Then the truth strikes me once again: I love to write. Unfortunately reading and writing go hand-in-hand. It's like when Tao from EXO-M was asked which member he wanted to go to the beach with. Can't I go alone? Do I HAVE to read?


My major requires me to read rougly 3 books and 2-3 short stories a week. Honestly, I can't do that! (Well, actually it's 2 books, 2-3 short stories, and 1 Shakespeare play, but still!). I'm only taking four classes and yet I'm just swamped with novels to read! It seems that only one of my professors realizes that we have other classes and we'd rather be doing something else so he's the one who gives us short stories to read instead.


Maybe if I wasn't as lazy I'd be better but, like I said, I really don't like reading - I like writing. Audiobooks are my best friends in this case but they get boring as well. I think it would be easier if not everything was practically due on Wednesdays but I feel like every Tuesday is cramming day.


This week's readings: Ian Flemming's Casino Royale, Patrica Highsmith's Strangers on a Train, William Shakespeare's Othello, and two short works by Thomas Paine.


I think this semester is going to kill me.


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