Game of Tag .___.


The Rules:

1: Post the rules rule
2: Answer the questions the tagger asked, then make 11 new ones rule
3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post rule
4: Let them know you've tagged them
Tagged by: sicasica90

1. What is your favourite thing to cook?

I never cooked something I wanted to. I only cook whenever someone needs me to, so I have nothing as of the moment.

2. What's your favourite sport and why.

Shooting....uhh, 'cause I like...shooting stuff and I love guns.

3. What is one of your Christmas traditions?

Nothing "really" special, just eating, drinking and opening presents.

4. Choose 5 people. They could be actual people in your life or friends here in AFF. Say something to them here. It could be a compliment, a sentiment, or something you just always wanted for them to know.

Mom & Dad (2 in 1 go) ~> Mind telling your sons and daughters why? so we won't get the wrong idea and turn silent every single time a family pass us by

'Awkward Boy' ~> no...I'm not interested in becoming more than friends with you so please stop all these things you've been doing to me and for me 'cause you're starting to make our friendship awkward...and stop lying to me or at least stop lying whenever I'm around.

Future Partner ~> where the heck are you?!!

Tiffany Hwang ~> I LOVE YOU~!! >///<

5. If you could choose any city to live in, where would it be and why.

Any city in Japan, 'cause I have always wanted to experience how anime characters live :3 lol!

6. Describe your favourite PJs

My..PJs?....maroon, loose, lightweight cotton trousers with drawstring waistbands

7. What is one sport you've always wanted to learn and master and be super good at?

That woud be...Karate!!

8. What is one thing you want to accomplish by the same time this year?

I need to get my 4 packs back before the year ends TT~TT

9. Barring emotions, what is the hardest thing you have ever had to do physically? (eg. climb up a sheer rock face, run up a hill, do 100 push-ups etc.)

Swimming out of the rapids that caught me off guard.

10. What's the craziest thing you have ever done?

I have never done something that would fall to "crazy".

11. What's the last thing you've eaten?

I can't remember OTL ...I just eat anything that looks edible and alluring lol! (wipe off that knowing smirk/grin/smile!!)


Here are yours to answer:


1. When is your future behind? (no, there's nothing wrong with the question..when will it be behind like how past is)

2. What's your biggest fear? 

3. What's your greatest dream?

4. What made you like/love SNSD?

5. When was your first kiss and who was it?

6. Construct a sentence that would describe you with 9 words only.

7. Have you ever seen one (or more) of the Soshi members in person? Who?

8. Who's your celebrity look-a-like? (it can be an animated character too)

9. If you were to choose between 100M dollars and SNSD, which one would you choose and why?

10. How would you describe a rainbow to someone who's blind?

11. If you knew that you're going to die tomorrow, how would you spend your last day?


Tagging: PJShin, Soshi_Asa, jorgenzen, PyongPyong, HwangJeI, mushy1001, snsd17




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Soshi_Asa #1
1. When is your future behind? (no, there's nothing wrong with the question..when will it be behind like how past is)
Hmm, honestly, I dont think about it lol
2. What's your biggest fear?
Lose my beloved ones.
3. What's your greatest dream?
Speak Japanese, Korean, Chinese and travel to these countries.
4. What made you like/love SNSD?
A friend introduced SNSD to me; the first mv I saw was “Gee”. I always loved everything related to asian culture, yet, these girls got my heart. But I must say that when I saw aienbest’s videos about JeTi and all SNSD’s funny moments, I was amazed and happy to see such adorable (DORK) girls.
5. When was your first kiss and who was it?
7 years with a (boy) friend.
Construct a sentence that would describe you with 9 words only.
Truthful (8 lol)
7. Have you ever seen one (or more) of the Soshi members in person? Who?
Unfortunately… not. I live at the other side of the globe, its kinda impossible now haha.
8. Who's your celebrity look-a-like? (it can be an animated character too)
I am not that pretty and honestly I don’t have any idea hahaha I guess I am unique lol. But in an animated character, I would say Sailor Jupiter (Lita/Makoto Kino).
9. If you were to choose between 100M dollars and SNSD, which one would you choose and why?
I would take 100m dollars because I would go to their shows, buy all their products, go to fan sign and then, I would be able to meet them in person.
10. How would you describe a rainbow to someone who's blind?
I would say that the rainbow it’s like the most beautiful song or symphony that the person have ever heard. With only listening or seeing, it can make you heart warm and happy.
11. If you knew that you're going to die tomorrow, how would you spend your last day?
Stay with the ones I love (family/friends) until the last moment.
HwangJeI #2
1. When is your future behind?
- never actually thing of it
2. What's your biggest fear?
3. What's your greatest dream?
-dreams ha? entertainer maybe..
4. What made you like/love SNSD?
-because they are awesome just like that haha
5. When was your first kiss and who was it?
-err.. when i was 17 maybe? with a friend of mine.
6. Construct a sentence that would describe you with 9 words only.
-misterious (make it 10) haha
7. Have you ever seen one (or more) of the Soshi members in person? Who?
-yes, yuri.
8. Who's your celebrity look-a-like? (it can be an animated character too)
-i dont really know
9. If you were to choose between 100M dollars and SNSD, which one would
you choose and why?
-100m dollars.. i can save some and i can use some to meet them, go to concert, fan sign..etc..
10. How would you describe a rainbow to someone who's blind?
-beautiful and colorful
11. If you knew that you're going to die tomorrow, how would you spend
your last day?
-stay with my beloved family till the end of my breath.