tagged by beulucido~

The Rules:

1: Post the rules rule

2: Answer the questions the tagger asked, then make 11 new ones rule

3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post rule

4: Let them know you've tagged them

5: im lazy so no plz

1) What's your favorite Disney movie?
almost all of it... really
2) If you had the chance to meet any author from AFF, who would it be?
blacksmile coz of common otp ship n she live in the same country yup
3) What kpop group do you absolutely hate?
i didn't hate a certain person if i don't know them enough so no.
4) worst subject in school?
always change. nvr less than 60% thou coz im considered as smart /slap/
5) Apple of Samsung?
samsung hell yeah
6) laptop or mobile?
7) how do fish have babies? 
by lay eggs, duh.
8) did that last question confuse you?
not really. my father ish expert when it comes to fishes
9) I keep losing my socks, how can I stop?
keep wearing it lmao. but really, i nvr lose one.
10) why did I wake up with scratches on my torso this morning?
maybe u drunk n make love with some hybrid or ghost heh
11) how do you let a guy down easy? 
reject when they confess. i always do it coz im naturally cruel





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You probably think I am a stalker right now, appearing to comment your blog post (how many times alredy? I lost count) but heyy, I see my name there (not exactly my name but on the net, yes) and har har har.

Cut down the cost, hur?

You'll be surprise once you see me in real life because... I'm a crazy girl in the real life?