Vote Vote Vote!

Okay this isn't the MAMA awards it's the MTV EMA awards and Exo has been nominated for them.

Even if you don't like Exo. Just vote.

Vote for them for Kpop let's take a step forward for kpop!

Let's show Directioners and Beliebers that we're not a small fandom and we can do anything when we put our minds to it.

Let's all gather together and vote for them!


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Hints for voting:

1) You can vote 100 times a day. Just vote until you reached the limit.
2)Once you reached the limit, you can scroll down, and on the bottom right hand corner, you should see a box which has a list of countries/continents. Start from the top and work you way down. In each new coountry code, you should be eligible for 100 more votes. Once you reached the limit, move on to the next country and so on until you reached the end.
4) You can repeat the first three steps all over again if you use a different browser.

Hope this helps! ^^