tagged by AwesomeDonut

I've done this too many times on tumblr so I won't make new questions. I'll only answer them because I'm too lazy to make up new ones.



1.) If you were stuck in an island with someone you hate, what would you do?

Be the more mature person, survive then walk away after being rescued from the island.

2.) Which part of yourself do you love the most?

I guess the fact that I can never fit in with almost anyone. I'm original, betch. LOL.

3.) Do you like sports? If so, what sports are you into?^^

Sports are cool but I'm never really the sporty type. I joined track before when I was a high school freshman for a short time.

4.) If you had to lose all of your senses(smell, sight, hear, touch and feel) which one would you keep?

Feel I guess, because I can just feel things and learn where or what they are. This is where that kinesthetics word comes into play.

5.) If you could have all of your senses except one, which one would you give up?


6.) Would you rather have a pretty face but an ugly body, or an awesome body with a horrible face?

Awesome body and horrible face.

7.) If your bias were to spend a day with you, what would you do and how would you react?

Maybe we'll instantly get along even if he's quiet at first because I know we're both 4D in several ways. We'd have loads of fun.

8.) Would you say that AwesomeDonut is awesome?


9.) Do you watch Naruto? If so, who's your favourite character? (so that we can fangirl together XD)

I remember watching several episodes of Naruto. I guess you could say I wasn't really into it like I am with kpop because I feel like I grew out of it. I definitely liked Ino, Gaara and Tenten.

10.) Would you say that you have a high self-esteem?

Nope. Meh.. I guess there are times but it's once in a blue moon.

11.) What if Lay became a cookie, and he offered you to eat him, but Tao kept on insisting that Lay should've been a unicorn so he wants to take Lay back to his cottage and change him into a unicorn because he's actually a witch, but Kris found out about it and tried to blow his house down by huffing and puffing but he couldn't because the house was made out of brick and then Baekhyun comes and tells you to eat him instead of Lay because he reasoned that Bacon is better that cookies, so Lay tried to come back, but he already turned into a unicorn, meaning he wasn't a cookie anymore so he got so angry and he called me (the Donut) to come and sprinkle him with my awesomeness because sprinkles don't go with bacon and Lay has this ironic theory that you won't accept the bacon once it has sprinkles and icing on it, but while all this commotion was going on, Chen decided to step in and eat the bacon with the icing and sprinkles and tells you go with him to his castle to make him your queen, how would you react?

Ummm... okay? LOL.


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