Tagged by infinite_k_pop


1: Post the rules

2: Answer the questions the tagger asked, then make 11 new ones

3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post rule

4: Let them know you've tagged them





1. Who was your first group you listened to?

I first listen to MBLAQ


2. Who's your first bias?

Sungmin from Super Junior


3. The one song you just never liked?

I don't think I have one... oh wait I have, It's Cherrybelle's Best friend forever -_-


4. What do you think the maximum members a girl/boy group should have be?

Hmmmm, maybe 8? or 16? 35? 50? ._.


5. Which boy group don't you like?

None.... I guess....


6. Girl group?

Girl group I hate? If it is, then it's Cherrybelle


7. Out of all the Asian countries which one would you travel to first?

Singapore *u*


8. How amny K-pop songs do you own? (on anything you own)

In my phone? Then 215


9. Have you gone to a concert before?

Sadly..... Nope, I never went to a concert before ;A;


10. What's your favorite variety show?

Running man and The Amazing Race *0*


11. When was the last time you fangirled? Over what?

Last time? Hmmmmm, 3 hours ago. Over Free! Iwatobi Swim Club and EXO





My Questions:

1. What do you think about same gender OTPs? Do you hate or like or love them?

2. What to you lovehate the most?

3. Since when do you like K-POP?

4. Describe yourself

5. What type of genres in a story or fanfic do you like? (eg. Romance, Angst, Fluff)

6. What is your favorite fanfic? (I know you guys are gonna writetype 'A lot')

7. Which idol do you think id your ideal type?

8. Would you marry you bias or any idol even though you'll be bashed?

9. Who do you think have the best comeback this year?

10. If you were an idol, would you use your name or a stage-name? What will it be?

11. Do you love mechocolate? What type? *U*





















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