I've been tagged (Finally!~)

Rule 1: Post the rules
Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones
Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post
Rule 4: Let them know you've tagged them




What’s your hobby?

My hobby’s riding horses. :3


What kind of person you are based by people’s stories about you?

A … though, I don’t really know why…


If there’s an assignment from your teacher or your professor, and it will be collected on the next week, will you do it that day so you can relax or you will do it a day before it will be collected?

A day before it will be collected. LOL I love to procrastinate. xD


 When you’re so tired and just got back from somewhere at night, and you not have dinner yet, will you prefer eat or just changed and sleep?

I just sleep. When you grow up, you will understand sleep’s value... <3


Do you prefer one friend that understand you or have so much friends, but not really that understand you? Why?

None. I prefer to be alone than to choose. I, actually, have only two friends (a boy and a girl) and… I don’t know… sometimes I prefer when there’s no one worrying about me… (: 


What you do on your free time?

Sleep, because school doesn’t let me…


What kind of music genre you like?

K-pop, and Spanish pop :3


What you will react if you have a friend that have a character that unique and he/she have mood swing?

Well, I was very normal and we were really close… but she send me the biggest message I have ever received and told me everything she didn’t like about me.. which is basically me. -.- so I ignore her most of the time now, because “she could get mad again.”


What kind of club you want to join in your school or campus?

I’m in the forensics league xD


If your parents strict you to buy K-pop stuff or like K-pop music or anything that related with K-pop, what will you do?

They already do -.- I just download it from every site I can find. xD


So far, my question is ridiculous. So, I’ll just ask a simple question. What’s your nickname in real world? Not in AFF, twitter, FB, or any kind website social thing.

My parents and family call me Kiki… some people call me Angel… or just plain Angélica Cristina xD





My 11 questions are:

1.  What are our fandoms?

2. Who are your biases?

3. Where are you from?

4. Who is your favorite writer?

5. Have you listened to music in spanish? You should, it's awesome.. <3

6. What's your nickname?

7. Best feature about you?

8. Do you consider yourself to have lots of friends?

9. Would you rather drink Coke or Diet Coke? 

10. Do you like boubbles?

11. Have you read one of my stories? What did you think?



People I am tagging:











-Not 11 because I'm lazy xD LOL-


Thank you ;) 




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