So, here's how it works:

1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)

2. Put it on shuffle

3. Press play

4. For every question, type the song that's playing

5. When you go to a new question, press the next button

6. Don't lie and try to pretend your cool...just type it in man!





Opening Credits: Because I'm Crazy - AA (i love this song so much!!!!! and it really depicts how my life story would be like, CRAZY!! ^(*0*)^)

Waking Up: No No No No No - C-real (hahaha! XD SO TRUE!! NONONO! I STILL DON'T WANNA WAKE UP!)

First Day of School: I'll Be There - GP Basic (i want my bestriend to say this to me. :>)

Falling in Love: We Belong Together - Big Bang ft. Bom (OMG! KYYAA~ PERFECT SONG!)

Losing ity: Go Away - 2NE1 (LOL!!! I LAUGHED HARD IN THIS! and i'll be like saying "GO AWAY" to the guy. HAHAHA!! XD it just means it isn't time for me yet. TROLOLOL!! OTL)

Fight Song: Come Back Again - Infinite (ANOTHER PERFECT SONG! XD COME BACK HERE YOU LOSER! *punches and kick the opponent*)

Breaking Up: Wrong Number - DBSK (*ring* then i picked my phone and the guy goes "I'm sorry, let's break up." and I'm like, "I'm sorry too...YOU'VE GOT THE WRONG NUMBER, SO DON'T CALL ME NO MORE. hihihi!! ^^)

Prom: Really Really - Dalmatian (this song doesn't suit much in a prom when it comes to slow dancing but still, THE SONG IS SO AWESOME!!!)

Life: Stop! - Wonder Girls (YEAH!! XD)

Mental Breakdown: Shampoo - After School (while I'm having my mental berakdown, I'm in the shower stall, shampooing my hair. LOLS!)

Driving: 4 My Town - Zico ft. Mino (PERFECT SONG FOR AROUND THE TOWN DRIVE!!! ROCK ON!!)

Depression: Yet - Beast (why does my itunes always pick the right songs??!! the if i really do a movie of my life, it will be DAEBAK cause the songs fit the scenes exactly.) 

Partying: Can U Smile (Original) - Infinite (i'll be doing a freestyle dance in this! XD)

Happy Dance: Me, in - Wonder Girls 

Betrayal: It has to be You - Yesung (OH EM GEE!!!! OTL it's like i'm saying to the guy that don't leave me cause IT HAS TO BE YOU as i cry in front of him. TT^TT what a sad scene...)

Long Night Alone: Brown Hair - Goo Hye Sun 

Flashback: Perefction - Super Junior M (what kind of a flashback will it be if that song played? LOL! XD)

Getting Back Together: Super Star - 4Minute

Wedding: Like This or That - 5Dolls (I don't see the connection if this song played in my wedding. HAHA!)

Birth of Child: Even Wihtout You - 5Dolls (seems like i can go on with my life without my child if this song played...that's.....sorrowful?)

Final Battle: Me + U - f(x) (HAHAHA!!!! XDXDXD)

Death Scene: I'm Going Crazy - Se7en (Yeah, they will all go crazy cause I died..)

Ending Credits: Bad Girl - FT Island (ROFLMAO! AM I THAT BAD?! O.O)






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this is funny xD i'm gonna do this too lol
LOL. I'll try this xD
Wo0o0w This is Amazing!!Hahaha They suit with each other very well!!haha Daebak!!:D
~^_^ i laughed so hard unnie-ah..Komawo!:)
Waking Up: No No No No No - C-real (hahaha! XD SO TRUE!! NONONO! I STILL DON'T WANNA WAKE UP!)

Losing ity: Go Away - 2NE1 (LOL!!! I LAUGHED HARD IN THIS! and i'll be like saying "GO AWAY" to the guy. HAHAHA!! XD it just means it isn't time for me yet. TROLOLOL!! OTL)
