Congrats to SNSD

I personally want to congrats our girls for winning the YTMA Video of The Year !!!

Give them a loud of applaud everybody xDDD

So proud to be a Sone and so proud of them ^^


But what I'm really pissed is those other fans of JB, 1D, Lady Gaga!!!

They are bashing our girls when they won the award fair and square!!

Like some even say they are a nobody..

Who is GG, some ASIAN just won an award that supposed to be won by JB or 1D or Lady Gaga..

DAMN YOU ALL!!!! Some random girls just won??


Begging YouTube to make them win??

WTF!! Those 9 Goddesses are well known around every other countries!

They've been to LA, New York, Tokyo, Bangkok and everywhere else in this world! They are a somebody!

Not some ASIAN that just win YTMA!


If you wish to know who they are, then please go into GOOGLE, have you ever heard of GOOGLE?

And type S N S D or G I R L S G E N E R A T I O N!!

And you'll find out who they are, who they really are...



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sea0horse #1
im so happy they won!
not only bc they are snsd, but bc they are asians too!
stop the discrimination :3
congrat ~congrat ~ I'm so happy about it!! I'll always support them and love them _(≥▽≤)/
saranghae SNSD

I know right! I was so happy they won and was all "YAYAYA!"
Until these beliebers, directioners, and little monsters (or should I say these jealous losers who don't know what the true power of sone and gg) were all hatin.

I was like, woah! They won the award fair and square and deserved.... Gurl...just nu uh.