First Post - I'm IT?!

The Rules:

1: Post the rules rule
2: Answer the questions the tagger asked, then make 11 new ones rule
3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post rule
4: Let them know you've tagged them
Tagged by: sicasica90
Her questions:
1. What is your favourite thing to cook?

Damn, I don't really cook so my answer is going to have to be SPAM. That stuff is easy to cook. :P I do want to learn how to cook kimchi fried rice because I heard that stuff was good AND easy to cook too. :3

2. What's your favourite sport and why.

Growing up I played basketball a lot [not really good] but it was an enjoyable sort of thing because even my relatives liked to play. It was sort of a physical sport bonding thing we did when I was younger. That and also because it's probably the only sport I'm relatively good at. ^^

3. What is one of your Christmas traditions?

When I was younger I got to open one gift on Christmas Eve and then the rest in the morning. Now that I'm older...I really enjoy eating Christmas dinner with my family.

4. Choose 5 people. They could be actual people in your life or friends here in AFF. Say something to them here. It could be a compliment, a sentiment, or something you just always wanted for them to know.

First, sicasica90: You bet I'm starting with you. ^^ I just wanted to thank you for always supporting my stories and it may not seem like much to others but it helped me out tremendously. Sometimes that one bad comment brings me down but that message you sent me when I was first starting "Triangle" made me realize that I have way more supporters than haters. So why focus on the bad when I can focus on the good? Thank you. *bows*

Second, my readers and followers on here and on tumblr. You guys are all seriously jjang. I know I say it almost all the time, or maybe not even enough, but the support of readers comes a long way for the author. So as a humblr author, I'd just like to thank you all for enjoying my work and giving me support along the way. :)

Third, my college professor a selected few high school teachers. The way you teach is amazing and I wish other teachers/professors had the same passion for teaching as you've shown me. I know this is vague and they're not really going to see this but I've learned quite a lot from them [in class and even in life]. So here's a shoutout to the teachers who are jjang!

Fourth, a certain someone in my life. I haven't thought about you in quite a long time but you appeared in my dream the other day. I know we're still friends and I was just wondering how you've been doing. I'm busy with life and am oblivious to the things that are going around me, but I sincerely hope you are doing well in every aspect of life. I love you! :3

Fifth, they may be last but they are most definitely not the least, my family. Thanks for the smiles, the laughter, the tears, and even the occassional fight/argument. You guys have molded me to who I am today and I'm just thankful to have a complete family. :)

5. If you could choose any city to live in, where would it be and why.

Oh damn. Hmmm. I've always wanted to live in Tokyo. Or maybe London. No, no, Seoul. Hmmm. Why is this hard? Lol.

Let's stick with Tokyo because I love Japan, its people, and its food. :) Seoul would be a very close second. Although they alternately change back and forth. :P

6. Describe your favourite PJs

Basketball shorts and an a-shirt. If it's cold I'll add socks and a t-shirt. If it's really cold I'll trade in the basketball shorts for sweatpants. :)

7. What is one sport you've always wanted to learn and master and be super good at?

Is parkour a sport? I would have loved to be really good at that. ^^ But if it's not a sport [I'll google that later and find out], I always wanted to be really good at football [not American football, soccer]. That or hockey. I was sort of influenced by Mighty Ducks, Go Big Green, and Bend It Like Beckham growing up. :P

8. What is one thing you want to accomplish by the same time this year?

Another year of college and hopefully on my way to transferring to a university [or at least be on tracks].

9. Barring emotions, what is the hardest thing you have ever had to do physically? (eg. climb up a sheer rock face, run up a hill, do 100 push-ups etc.)

Get off my couch. Lol, no. Umm, I had to run up this reaaaaally steep hill back in high school in under a certain amount of time [I was supposed to beat the underclassmen who were coming from the other side of the hill that wasn't so steep] and do two hundred jumping jacks once I reached the top. My memory's kind of hazy after that but I remember LOTS of running, jumping jacks, and push ups.

10. What's the craziest thing you have ever done?

I'm not much of a crazy person [well I don't do crazy things I'm just crazy, lol]. Ummm, I can't think of anything on top of my head. I live a boring life! OTL

11. What's the last thing you've eaten?

Does a piece of gum count? No? Okay then the last thing I ate was french fries about eight hours ago. DAMN. That's why I'm hungry, I should go eat.



I just realized I don't really interact much with people on AFF. >.< Hopefully that will change. :P
I believe most of the ones I tagged are my readers who leave wonderful comments [some are new readers too] and I figured...
Why not find out more stuff about them?

KidHiroki, bernybro, Derpy123, aznphoenix95, Coiste, CillaTide, barney01, Ice-Cucumbie, Imma_Taeny, opparskawaii, nanny15


My Questions For You: ^^


  1. If you could go anywhere in the world with all expenses paid...would you take me with you? Lol, I meant where would you go?
  2. Who's your ultimate OTP and on the top of your head, what fic would you recommend?
  3. Coca Cola or Pepsi? Why not Sprite? What's your favorite beverage?
  4. Describe your last romantic relationship [or current] in seven words.
  5. There's a train heading east bound at 55 km/h and another train heading west bound on the same track at 35 mi/h. After reading that useless sentence, what food are you craving right now?
  6. How do you feel about SNSD winning on the Youtube Music Awards?
  7. Tell me one happy memory of yours.
  8. What was the first fanfic you ever read on AFF? Or what pairing was it about?
  9. Think about your favorite flavor of ice cream...and now imagine it as a pancake.
    When eating do you prefer the spoon over the fork, the fork over the spoon, chopsticks, or something else?
    [Yes, the first line was completely random, lol]
  10. Do my random questions annoy you? Sorry if I'm a bit of a troll. XD
  11. What is one sure way that'll put a smile on your face?



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TimelessStories #1
^^ I'm writing my blog tag on this right now ^^ kekeke^^ Please keep in contact with me more!! ^^