Celebrate DBSK/TVfXQ/Tohoshinki's 10th anniversary 12/26/2013

This Lovely idea rolled across my Tumblr dashboard and I thought I'd share with fans here.
Regardless of what they are doing today, All 5 guys from TVXQ & JYJ debuted as DBSK/TVfXQ/Tohoshinki on 12/26/2003. Let's set aside Fan club differences & just show the 5 guys some TRUE fan love!


 Hello, we are the TVXQ&JYJ 10th Unicef Donation Project staff team. December 26th is almost around the corner, and in order to celebrate YH JJ YC JS and CM's 10th anniversary, give thanks to their hard work over the past years, return the love they have given us, and to express the unwavering feelings OT5 fans have towards the boys, we have started to start this project.

This project first started only for Korean and Foreign OT5 fans; however, we are now expanding to people regardless of their fandoms, since it will be going to a good cause. So, we are hoping everyone will take part in this major project to help the children in need around the world. Korean fans are free to deposit through the bank accounts stated below, and Foreign fans who are wanting to help can donate through PayPal. (For Indonesian fans without a PayPal, please tweet @JaeJoongID for information) If you have any questions, please contact through Kakao Talk: btvxqd and Twitter @YHJJTCJSCM_10th and we will gladly help you. For Korean fans, we are updating weekly the names of those who donated through the All-fan(OT5) Union Website, F.L.Y @Together_fly5 . For Foreign fans, we are planning to reveal the amount after the final count. Korean fans, we are taking funds until December 24th, and Foreign fans, we will be closing PayPal on December 20th. (The transfer from PayPal to our banking account is a time-staking process; therefore, we are pushing the date up a little. However, any left over funds will be used for LATER years.)

 ALL of the funds will be used towards neglected children around the world, which was confirmed with UNICEF before we started. After the donation process, a letter of recognition with the boys' names and 'Lovers (Fans/Supporters) of TVXQ , JYJ' will be produced. Along with the letter of recognition, we will also be sending a small gift from the UNICEF store (ALL funds for that will ALSO go to the children in need) to both TVXQ and JYJ.

We hope that you will promote us through Blogs, Twitter, Weibo, Line, Kakao Talk, Facebook, and other Foreign Social Networking sites! (Especially Weibo for Chinese fans who are not able to reach Twitter) The Posters and direct quotes from the poster is able to be used freely; however, PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THE INFORMATION ON THE POSTER OR ANYTHING RELEVANT. Please SAVE the posters/pictures above, and SPREAD the word! (For example: On Facebook fan pages, Uploading it on your own timeline, or promoting to bloggers, etc.)


 This 10th Anniversary project is being carried out with Cassiopeia Bot -> @cassiopeia_bot , All-Fan Union F.L.Y. -> @Together_fly5 and other OT5 fan pages.


★10th Anniversary UNICEF project Bank Accounts (KOREA ONLY) 

Nonghyup 302-0580-0461-71

Kuk Min 353502-04-117477

Woori 1002-738-867801

KiUp 569-012072-01-024

Shin Han 110-399-322614

(All in regards to: Kim G. Hyun)


★PayPal account★ 

[email protected]




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