
playing around with making posters again~ i need to brush up on my skills, but i'd like to know what you guys think of these ones?

// personally i think the middle on is the best >~<


feedback is greatly appreciated!


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omg, what program did you use?
i tried using gimp, but i couldn't download brushes. orz.
I really like the first one! The softness, the colors, the font you used! It's all super pretty, so definitely my favorite! The font for 'Another' is so gorgeous. *o*
The second is really great too. Pictures are well chosen and well cut. :D But I feel like the word 'Intuition' is not visible enough... Maybe because of the color and the font, we kinda lose it in the 'Marital' and bubbly background. I love the bubbles... ^^
For the third one, I love how you chose to place the pictures and the pictures themselves are well chosen, but I feel you could fade the pictures better... Maybe fade the ones in the background and use an outer glow on the ones in the front? And I think the title could stand out more.

You really did a great job! Congratulations!! It's so pretty. ^^
I'll be waiting to see how you do in the future, kay? :)