teaser 14

Jang Clan(Nymph Clan)
Jang wooyoung
Power:Fire/Dark earth
Weapon:double chui
Guardian:black phoenix
description:Jang Wooyoung is Nymph born from a nymph and vampire from the underworld.Wooyoung is a four wing vampire with a phoenix tattoo on his back.wooyoung and his brothers are the only boys nymph alive they fought hard to get away from the underworld into the human world.to wooyoung his brother mean a lot but something from his past kept him think about his family.

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Jang jason
power:ghost/dark wood
weapon:twin axes
Guardian:white tiger
description:Jang jason is a nymph,he wooyoung and younggie middle twin brother.jason is a vampire with two large wings and with a tiger tattoos on his chest.jason is more the smart one of his two brother he kind and all but he really girly sometime.he love the humans but hates nymph he could never understand why wooyoung fell in love with a human and made a baby with him too.

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Jang younggie
Power:sound/dark water
weapon:double mace
Guardian:black turtle
description:Jang Younggie is the last nymph of the jang brother his cheerful and outgoing will make him the mood make for his brother.younggie is a vampire/nymph with two large wing and a turtle tattoo on his lower back.younggie hate fighting but due to the fact he was train to fight he could never kill anyone.to him his brother are the most trustful thing in his life and doesn’t want to lose them.

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Wooyoung’s guardian:66RwvLtdnJBT6sz1a7iw3SEmi605k5UBMhqKZbqa
description:Wooyoung’s guardian is a blood red/black ash phoenix.This bird was made from wooyoung own blood and the ground of the underworld.wooyoung himself said that even he can’t contral it  and it may have the power to kill all life.his name is Ju-jak

Jason Guardian:
description:jason Guardian is a white long tiger.Jason found his guardian inside of a human body just a cub jason took it a raise it to became a light speed killer.jason has claim that his guardian doesn’t follow what he say that time.His name is baekho

Younggie Guardian:
description:Younggie guardian is a 50 feet black,snake tail turtle.younggie found a old turtle fossil when he first came to the human world when drop it into the water it became a snake that hook it self onto younggie arm since then it has never left his side.younggie said that this might beast can get over protected and destroy everything in its path.His name is hyeon-mu

-i don’t own any of this but the story so credit goes to the owner.
side-do you guys like the tease or not??please tell me ok.

side note-just to tell you wooyoung and his brothers are the power house in this story so fear the wooyoung.
side note- just three more teaser left then my big story is coming soon so look for it XD


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