Tagged by shaeneice

Tagged by shaeneice


rule 1: post the rules

rule 2: answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones

rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post

rule 4: let them know you've tagged them




1. What is your ultimate pairing for fanfiction?

Since I have no ultimate pairing but an ultimate bias, I guess it’s just Chansung with one of s. Really, my OTP is changing regularly, depending on my mood and if I find a good story.


2. Is there any type of fanfiction you will not write or read?

Hmmm…. I don’t like stories with character death. I really avoid them. I can’t bring myself to imagine one of my dears to die. I’m always feeling with them in the stories, so I would seriously get depressed….

Btw, I also don’t like Yuri.


3. Who is your favorite fanfiction written about?

Everything about Chansung ^^


4. If you could meet and hang out with an Idol or group, who would it be?

It definitely would be 2PM. The boys are so amazing and awesome!


5. Who is your favorite Kdrama character, why?

I don’t have one since I’m quite new in K-Drama…. So I would be very happy about recommendations ^-^


6. How old do you think is too old to be a fangirl?

I don’t think anyone would be too old. What matters is, what you feel in your heart. ^-^


7. What hair color do you like most on your favorite Idol?

Black and red hair ♥♥♥


8. What is your favorite type of Idol? Beastly, feminine,.......

Definitely manly or beastly types. I always liked guys with bad boy image.


9. If you could kidnap and keep an Idol, who would it be, and what would you do with them?

Of course it would be Chansung! But I would mostly just hang out with him and talk to him, because I think he has a very interesting character and I want to get to know him better.


10. What is your favorite non Kpop type of music?

That also depends a lot on my mood. Rock, Punk, House, sometimes Classic…. I’m quite open-minded


11. Ultimate kpop dancer?

I don’t have one, because there are a lot of awesome dancers out there.




My questions:


1. What was your first K-Pop song you heard?


2. In which korean variety show you wanna be a guest?


3. When you could spend one day with your Bias/Idol, what would you do?


4. Could you imagine being famous? When yes, what would you be? (singer, actor….)


5. What is your favorite MV?


6. What is your favorite body part of your Bias/Idol?


7.  Cats or dogs?


8.  Are you a morning or a night person?


9. What do you like about yourself the most?


10. Do you have a special ability or quirk?


11. What book or fanfiction are you reading right now?



Tagging following people:


sweetsweat, Tini_Blue, Banana_Dreams, ahniceee, Okinawbwint, 2PM2PM2PM, chocobanana, yumi143, keanielin, paper-hearts, blue_one


I know a lot of people already got tagged a lot and/or don’t wanna do this …. So please don’t feel obliged to participate and answer my questions. It’s just about having fun and I won’t feel offended if you don’t want to ^^


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Omo your answers are so much Chan Chan Chan AND I DON'T BLAME YOU xD I'll answer all 22 questions to make up for not tagging hehe^^ <3