tagged by uljjang_yoona and chompster

rule 1: post the rules
rule 2: answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones
rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post
rule 4: let them know you've tagged them
by ulljjang_yoona:
1.What's your name in rl? chin :)

2. Hai eue; lets be friends? of course!!! i would love to~

3. If you want me to ship a couple, what couple would it be? hmm.. yoonhun! aren't they adorable? but seriously ship yoona with everybody ahaha cuz basically she looks good with anyone <3 it's up to you ^^

4. Can you guise sign me an autograph ;u; <33 lol

5. What was your most favorite otp moment? oooh wait lemme think.. omg i have many favorite otps that i can't think properly @.@ but since i'm into exoyoong atm: 


but i have many favorite moments of kyuna or yoonhae or.. okay i'm blabbering now >w<

6. Can I sarang you? Orz (otl i dont have any questions on mind anymore tbh ) oh sure :D

7. What is your favorite fanfiction? T^T  i can't really choose which one is the best.. trinity, the road trip, of circles and stars, and not too young are my favorites :D

8. Who is the best author for you? O..O that's hard. you're killing me already lol. can i just pick two? passingafternoons and sticky <3 so if anyone hasn't read their stories yet, do it now lmao ^^

9. Have you tried rp-ing? If you did, how long have you been doing so? no i haven't ^^

10. What is your favorite band at the moment? SHINEE <3 wait can i.. add team a and b(win) too?! haha

11. Do you think there is an exoyoong possibility? hurhurhur /slapped/ hmmm if you mean some romantic possibilities? i think it would be no :( it would only be a noona-dongsaeng relationship.. but i love it when they have interactions lol cuz they're extremely adorable but who know's right? teehee

by chompster:


1. Work with easy-going Cube Entertainment or Successful SM Entertainment? sm is way cooler yow~ just saying..

2. Dance or Sing better? dance better :D

3. (Eat only) Cake or Ice cream? ice cream!!! 

4. (Only) Travel the world alone or Stay back at home where your friends&family at? stay back at home... i would love to travel the world but i would be lonely if it's just me 

5. Die a painful death or painless death but with regrets? die a painful death!!!

6. (Drink only) Coffee or Bubble Tea? bubble tea of course..

7. Proper food or Desserts? desserts!

8. Movies or Musicals? movies~ 

9. Shorts or Pants? shorts :3 i'm not saying cuz i'm confident wearing it but it's way easier and faster to wear than pants.

10. Be sociable but not have many are close to you or Have little friends who are very close to you? i find this hard lol. err.. have little friends who are very close to me

11. Luyoon or Yoonhun? (I'VE GOTTEN SO MANY PEOPLE ASKING ME THIS QUESTION. HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO ME) YOONHUN idk i find them squishier >w<

sorry it's just that i didn't put my questions on the first one so i just put these together ^^ i hope you don't mind..

anyway so here's mine:

1. who's your ultimate bias and what moment or the very first reason why you became a fan?

2. what would you do if you will meet your bias in real life?

3. what fandom(s) are you in?

4. which idol do you hate or maybe the least one that you like? why? 

5. what would you do if your ultimate bias is in a relationship with someone you hate?

6. which couple do you ship the most?

7. who is the prettiest idol? the most handsome idol?

8.  if you would become another person, who would it be and why?

9. what's your possible dream?

10. if there's any, how about your impossible dream? 

11. can we be friends now? :D


you are tagged:





















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yeah we can be friend .
And ive read your favorite fics too (in my other account) im still frustrated over The Roadtrip ;~;
Yesue *^* and thanks for your answers haha i totally agree with you, yoona looks good with everyone! (and me jk) <3 <3