Tagged...I lost count

Tagged by BreBre unnie ^^ lub yewz~

1.    If you was playing seven minutes in heaven with your bias, who would it be?
Bang Yongguk just...unf


2.    If you had a week to spend with your bias who would it be?
Maybe Xiumin from exo....he's just so cute

3.    What song are you constantly playing?
Symptoms from SHINee and Avichii wake me up

4.    Do you like ? (yeah I know the answer already ^^)
Well...it depends on how i'm feeling

5.    If a job called you to study in a country, what country would it be?
China...strictly because i've been there before and I have many family members there

6.    What is your ideal type in a guy?
Dorky, Funny, Cute, and not too cheesy

7.    If you had to choose between Kris and Rap Monster who would it be? (kittykatlovepooh I created this just for you) *evil laughs*
Rap Monster because he seems like someone I would talk to all the time for no apparent reason

8.    Do you think I am annoying? (I am kinda running out of questions here)
No not at all but the question is do you think I'm annoying unnie?

9.    What is your favorite color?
Purple and White are very pretty to me

10.  Do you have friends that get annoyed when you talk/listen to kpop?
Everybody does....like when I'm on the bus listening to it and someone decides to take my earbud and see what i'm listening to they say "Oh...I should've known"

11.  Don’t you guys just love me? (you better. Hahah XDDD just kidding)
Of course I lub my unnie /huggles you/

I tag no one because i'm tired of this game


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