So I was tagged -.-

Okay, so I was tagged. In the midst of reading others getting tagged, dear b2utifulyoebo just tagged me. (You did what? haha)

Let's see...

The Rules:
1: Post the rules rule
2: Answer the questions the tagger asked, then make 11 new ones rule
3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post rule
4: Let them know you've tagged them
The questions:
  1. Who is your inspiration (famous or not famous, doesn't matter)?

Inspiration? Uh, I really don't have any specific inspirations (also because I can't think of any at the time OTL). Oh oh oh, one of them is I guess... J.K Rowling! God I love Harry Potter....

2. If you had to judge every kpop band on their music only (as in you were given an ipod full of their hit songs, and no pictures, videos or interviews) who would come first?

//sigh// I don't know (because I've been so stuck with one group). But, maybe SISTAR..? I seriously think their songs are really catchy :D

3. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Does this question supposed to have an answer? Haha~ I'll just keep this question in view XD

4. If you could meet one non-idol in the world, who would it be?

One non-idol huh? Lemme see...

5. What is the thing about yourself you least like?

I don't like how I'm really so forgetful... One thing forgotten and it could change the world =="

6. If you could fix that one thing about you with surgery, would you?

No, no and no... Even if I don't like my face haha... Because I especially have this dislike with people who made surgeries even if they actually don't need it urg.

7. What is the tastiest food in the world?

Don't ask me about food. I don't have interest in them. 

8. What was the best kids TV show of all time?

Phineas and Ferb (ha, take that). That's a kids show right? I mean it's funny, and it's not that dumb. Or do you prefer Spongebob? That's funny too, but Spongebob kept laughing -_- Don't bother asking me about Dora or Diego. Urg, they ask questions too much(but I watched it as a kid too OTL)

9. What was Peter Pan before it was a book and who wrote it?

Peter Pan? I don't even read the book. How should I know about this? Lemme guess~ peter Pan was a puppet (puhaahaha).. sorry I don't know haha

10. Is your glass half full, half empty or just half a glass?

Half empty. Because if I practically can't finish a drink, half empty sounds like I achieved something, know what I mean? Haha XD

11. Do you love me (b2utifulyoebo)?

What? You just tagged me! I don't want this but for you.... But of course, I love you soooooo much. You can write awesome fics and you seemed friendly and I love that about you. Saranghae saranghae saranghae saranghae saranghae (Junhyung's part in Fiction XD)


Now, for the questions...

1. What is the song that touched you the most and you've never been sick listening to? Doesn't matter, K-Pop or other genres.

2. What was your first impression of K-Pop when you first heard about it?

3. What is the gadget you love the most and why?

4. Twilight or Harry Potter?

5. If you're to choose the best idol group/band... Which would choose (Please, without the inner bias answering this :D)

6. Give one idol band you like and one idol group you like (or any of you'd prefer, love). Mind you, band and groups are different things in the question :D

7. What was the thing that attracted you to K-Pop? Dramas? Songs? Or what?

8.  What was your actual reason of joining AFF?

9. What do you think of people who dislike Kpop but ends up listening to Kpop songs.. then back to giving harsh comments to Kpop?

10. What ice cream flavour do you like?

11. If you have the ability to transform yourself, what would you like to be? (I don't know, a cat or something..?)


Tagging: fairybubbly , Nindiyeah , candyfae , b2utifulyoebo , mefika , goosecaryoseob , shinshana , ForeverB2uty , MissBoss , Notperfect 

I don't know. Was tagging randomly haha XD Hope you like the questions haha...



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haha XD here you go bb~~ My answers!