

Okay, so. Very busy with school (not really) this week. And probably next week. And then vacation time. I will be going to Manila (why why I don't like how crowded that place is. The traffic!) with my family (except my mom) and Jae.
So, this is my first Christmas with Jae.
So, expect less updates. Or maybe I'm gonna be on semi hiatus. Hihi.
I don't know yet. We'll see.
Hihi. And this week, there's a university celebrating their foundation day for a week. And as usual, there will be guys (and very few girls) chilling all over the campus with "Free Hug" signs. Hahahahaha.
I think Jae is participating because his Korean friends dragged him.
I won't be spending the whole week with him though since I have friends of my own, too. Although not many and close.
So so so so... See you guys :)
I'll try to update a chapter or two in each of my fics next time I log in. I guess. We'll see :)


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Ohhh I miss you already!!:(
Wooah Jae is always with you ha??What a Perfect BoyFriend!!So have fun there and don't fotget us!!Be back soon too..Ok??:)
Have a safe trip and Hwaitiiing on your school works!!~^0^ <3
See you soon..!!