

It seems like people like to steal other people's work nowadays.
Anyway, if you guys ever come across a story that is almost similar or exactly similar to mine, could you please tell me about it?
I don't know if I have been plagiarized yet because I haven't come across a copied story of mine.
I don't know the feeling of being plagiarized yet, but I do know the feeling of being stolen from online. Right in front of my eyes, too.
See, I have a photography hobby and take pictures of almost every little thing and would take my camera with me to every little events, and then I upload it to Facebook, a blog, etc. And the next moment, I just see my pictures being uploaded to another account with its own album. It feels really bad on my part because I actually spent time editing these photos.
It's even more sad because she doesn't credit me and since she uploaded it on her own profile with its own album, it's like she's claiming the pictures as hers.
And I don't know how to tell this person to take it down because she is a "close friend" of mine. I've known her for so long now.
I felt so bad that I couldn't go online for a few days knowing that it would be on the top news of the live feeds. I couldn't bear looking at it because I know I'd snap.
One of the worst part is that she gets more recognition for the photos. ty. I just...
Yes, I want to kill her.
And even though I've known her for so long and she considers me a best friend (I don't), I want to kill her and call her stupid. Because she is. I've never met someone that stupid. Well, maybe I have. But she's one of those ignorant airheads.
I'm a pre-med student and she's pre-law, and I know more about stealing than she does. Stupid. She's going to take up law but doesn't even know that what she's doing is stealing.
I know you might not care, but I just have to let this out. Why I hate her/reasons to hate her more:
• oh can't you see (singing in B2ST's Say No), I don't like you. You are so dense not to see that.
• no wonder we always fight over "silly" things, you're so stupid I don't even know why I put up with you.
• you're a top student in school, but where is your common sense? Must be nonexistent. Ever since we were in grade school, I think I knew it already. Gosh, I put up with you that long?
• you're older than me, why are you so uptight? You were legal before I turned 18, and you couldn't even leave the house without asking permission from your parents? Grow up! Do you have to ask permission from them too when you have with your future husband? Oh wait, I don't know if you'd ever get married. I don't even know how you got a boyfriend (now ex, he must have been fed up over how you have this old biddy attitude, but then again, he is also stupid [not the brightest bulb, probably even dumber than you]).
• if I ever put this online, you would never know that I'm talking about you. You're that stupid.


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aiko92 #1
RELAX!!! You're scaring me..!!
jkt245 #3
Honestly, I think you should do the good old, confrontation. It doesn't mean going all up in her face but more like telling her that the picture(s) sre yours; no beating around the bush or anything, just straight out, 'You took my pictures without asking and I want you to 1) take them off your album and apologise or 2) keep them on but credit me and apologise'

I might sound a bit too much but... if she's really a close friend, 1) would she really have taken your pictures and claimed that it was her and 2) would you really be hating her? Maybe you should consider your 'friend' status with her.

On a lighter note, maybe you can watermark your pictures =)
Be honest about it then?
almost_asian #5
Relax!!! Hahahaha... You should just be honest about this, only because you're a nice person who wouldn't want someone like her to get into deeper if she does it again. You might not like her but still, if she has a problem it's important for someone to confront her :) Apart from that..... RELAX!!! :D