took this from ParkJongCheol

rule 1: post the rules
rule 2: answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones
rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post
rule 4: let them know you've tagged them
1) Anything you wish could happen?
I don't believe in wishes; if you want something, make it happen. Of course within realistic boundaries.
2) Favorite Song at the moment?
Ugh...It's not just one! Top 4 though?
1. Mercy - Kanye
2. We On - BTS
3. Renegade - Eminem ft. Jay-Z
4. Holy Grail - Jay-Z ft. Justin Timberlake
3) One place you want to move to? 
I don't have a specific place actually. I love travelling anywhere. Just so I can be able to walk around and enjoy the scenary.
4) Ever go through one of those moments when your on the computer and come across old videos you flimed with your cousins, you realized you changed alot and said "What happened to that Me."? 
I admit I did ask myself that. But I would like to say that I changed for the better. If I had a chance to go back, I wouldn't. I believe that our eyes are in the front of our heads to make sure we look forward and to never look back. 
5) Favorite show when you where little?
I had a lot of them honestly. I loved watching different kinds of shows and sometimes video games! I would replay them over and over just like a movie! Top 10? (not ranked)
2. Inuyasha
3. S-Cryed
4. Family Guy
5. CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
6. CSI Miami
7. Kingdom Hearts I and II (beat that game 100+ times =w=)
8. Drake and Josh
9. The Wiggles
10. Lazy Town
6) Dream Job?Career?
I know I'm considered an adult now but...I honestly don't know. I am working on my degree to become an entertainment manager. Maybe for a company in Korea, but I'm not too sure just yet--I need to know their pay.

7) Favorite Fruit?
I love strawberries. 
8) Who in your life makes a good impression on you?
Oooh, that's a difficult one to answer. I don't really look up to anyone that I know personally. But the ones that I do look up to are people like Eminem, Zico and Seth Macklemore. I like personalities that don't give a damn what other people say and do what they want, but they do take the time understand each other before doing something too drasti. (excluding Eminem of course). 

9) Family members your very Close to?
I am close to my 3 little brothers, mom and dad. Mostly my dad and baby brother (who I nicknamed Axel). Those two are the best. 
10) What grade are you in?
I am a freshman attending a university. 

11) what kind of Fan Fiction do You like? 
I don't have an specific preferences. As long as it's well written in a way I can understand, I'll read it.
Your turn:
  1. Who is your favorite artist?
  2. Chocolate or Vanilla?
  3. What's your favorite TV show?
  4. Is there anyone you are interested in?
  5. What's your favorite food?
  6. Cat or Dog?
  7. Most inpsirational person you know (of) and a quote from them.
  8. Can you tell that I didn't put much effort into these questions?
  9. Who makes you laugh?
  10. How old are you?
  11. Do you know who Conan Edogawa is?


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Double-PANDA-punch #1
Don't really have one.
Phineas and Ferb
My boyfriend ;P
My best friend "if they kiss, imma puke"
Kinda XD
My best friend, boyfriend, dad and math teacher
Not a clue
~ Minnie