Romeo Oh Romeo Supercrush Blog 2

Well, you already know about D, now ill tell about E. E was a nerdy blonde wavy hair skinny boy i liked for my sophmore year in highschool. i dont know why but something about him was so alluring. His eyes or the way he smiles, i dont know. we had orchrestra together and he was in the front of the cello section and i was in the back of the second violin section. everyday i looked forword of that class because of him. By the middle of the year i relized he is probaly not going to take this class next year so i planned to ask him to Tolo/SadieHawkins.  I had the perfect opportunity. We were going to a competion 2 weeks before the dance.

i asked him with skittes in a water bottle with my name on it. After the competetion was over. we were walking to the bus. i asked my friend to run and give it to him. On the bus on of my friends told me he was busy. i was sad but smiled and asked if any one wanted the skittles, after the bus drop us of at the school i just ran to my car i was so embaressed.

so then i kinda became stalkerish. i found his number online and texted him pretending i was someone else. he was so nice :),  but when i told him it was me he became a assh*** i tried to text him all summer pretending i was someone else. everytime i told him who i was he just became mean again. so in the beggining of my junior year, i gave myself a deadline to get over him. and it work. everytime i see him, i just walk pass him now :)




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it's okay :/

I texted a guy i had a crush on once.. he forgot we exchanged numbers so i tried to make him guess who i was but i guess he got freaked out and thought i was some stalker. When i told him it was me, he ignored me for almost a whole year.. but now we greet and talk but it's not the same :/

I'm over it tho. LOL.