Tagged by hano222 ;A;

Tagged by hano222

Rule 1: Post the rules

Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones

Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post

Rule 4: Let them know they've been tagged 

1. My favourite colour? 
I'm torn between blue, green and purple ><
2. Most embarrassing thing that happened to me?
Honestly, there have been lots. But to be more specific and recent, last Tuesday I was volunteering in a place I had never been too, so naturally I didn't have the slightest clue on how to get there, so when I got onto the bus, I didn't realise I had actually missed the stop I was meant to get off at. So, unknowingly at this stage, got off at the wrong spot, thought I was smart using the maps app on my phone to try to find it, only to realise 30+ minutes later after mustering up the courage to ask someone for directions....that I was walking in the WRONG DIRECTION...
Then I had to pay even more money to get a different bus to get to the right stop, it didn't help I was late too..argh, it's annoying just thinking about it!
3. If I won the lottery, what 3 things would I buy?
...Hmmm, well firstly EXO, just kidding...
I would buy tickets to go to the Philippines since I absolutely miss my family there!! ...And also Jollibee haha
Umm, I'd spend some of the money travelling around the places I want to see
And...go to South Korea to try and find idols haha
4.If I had a superpower what would it be?
Just one? Hmm, maybe shapeshifting? Yeah, that's what it would be! 
5. Who would I kill if I could?
Well, lots of people probably if I could haha, this doesn't make me look crazy in the slightest. Haha honestly, I wouldn't kill anyone, even if I hated their guts, I wouldn't want to take away somebody' life away from them.
6. What is my worst nightmare?
I've technically been through one of my worst nightmares, but I guess my current one is not being able to save the people that I care most about...And also being surrounded by big spiders is another one.
7. If I had a child, what would I name it? (One each for a boy and girl)
Ooh, this is tricky. I've never thought of this before...hm. Just from the top of my head Maria for a girl and Fred for a boy
8. Favourite day of the week?
9. Is my personality crazy or quiet?
Honestly, I'm really shy. But it depends on who I'm with I suppose!
10. Would I rather be fat and happy or skinny and unhappy?
I didn't really get this one, I've got a friend who insists he's fat when he's NOT, but he's unhappy about it. So honestly, I'm pretty content with the average weight I have which is neither classed as 'fat' or 'skinny'.  But for the purpose of this question, I'd rather be skinny and unhappy?
10. What I do I think of hano222?
I don't think we've ever spoken but I think you've subscribed to one of my stories? So for that I think you're awesome! ^^
1. What's the happiest memory you can remember?
2. Do you prefer the summer days or winter days?
3. Early bird or like to wake up late?
4. Do you like celebrating Halloween or Christmas more?
5. If you could travel anywhere (apart from South Korea :P) where would you go?
6 If you ever got famous, what would you want to be known for?
7. Are you a social butterfly or a recluse? 
8. If you like any of my stories, why do you like them? (Just curious I suppose)
9. Favourite childhood cartoon?
10. What's the scariest thing you've been through?
11. If you could have any animal as a pet, what would it be? (I'd have a penguin :3)
hano222   :P
:D              ^3^



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1. What's the happiest memory you can remember?

Mmmmm ... I don't remember :( .

2. Do you prefer the summer days or winter days?

Both although I prefer winter ^^

3. Early bird or like to wake up late?

Don't mind :D .

4. Do you like celebrating Halloween or Christmas more?

neither .

5. If you could travel anywhere (apart from South Korea :P) where would you go?

Britain , Paris , Japan .. ect

6 If you ever got famous, what would you want to be known for?

Acting , Dancing ? ;P

7. Are you a social butterfly or a recluse?

In between XD

8. If you like any of my stories, why do you like them? (Just curious I suppose)

Yes , you writing is awesome *thumbs up *

9. Favourite childhood cartoon?

Man ,alot but I would probably say Digimon Heroes <3

10. What's the scariest thing you've been through?

When I saw a ghost come towards me in the dark , he was walking slowly and he had a cane and hi head was tilted to the side even though there was light behind him I still couldn't see him at all , I was 7 at the time ,it was scary >0<

11. If you could have any animal as a pet, what would it be? (I'd have a penguin :3)

A rabbit or a cat XD