Tagged by TheChuglyOne

The Rules:

1: Post the rules rule
2: Answer the questions the tagger asked, then make 11 new ones rule
3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post rule
4: Let them know you've tagged them


Questions by TheChuglyOne:

1. If you had to listen to either 1D or J.B for the rest of your life, who would you chose? You have to chose.
I suppose Justin Bieber. I have actually not heard a 1D song other than one so I can't really say if I like them or not. (PS JB for me will always be Jonas Brothers)


2. If you could kidnap a group, who would you kidnap?
Super Junior or DBSK. I'd kidnap all of them (15 or 5) just so they could spend some time together away from prying eyes and cynics and just be friends like they were years ago.

3. What would you do if your bias hit on you with a cheesy pick up line?
I'd actually faint! Because oh my goodness what just happened here...

4. How many languages can you count to ten in?
Let's see. 6, maybe? 5 on the safe side.

5. What's the best accent ever?

6. What is the weirdest habit you have while writing?
I just tend to space out a lot and stare or frown because of too much concentration. There are no in betweens!

7. What is your funniest trait?
I trip a lot. It amuses people.

8. Kim Sunggyu, Kim Jongdae (Chen) or Choi Junhong (Zelo)?
Kim Jongdae. Hands down. Love his smile.

9. Have you ever kissed a complete stranger?
Nope. Been kissed on the cheek by one though. Does that count?

10. To the above question: If yes, how many? If no, would you ever do it?
I would honestly never do it. I need to know and be comfortable with a person before I kiss them.

11. What is the scariest horror you have ever seen
A documentary on cheetahs killing people when I was young. It scared me more than any horror movie till date.


Questions by animeotakupooh -


1. Given the choice, would you go to a mountain or an island for a avacation?

2. Sunsign?

3. If you could spend your day with your ultimate girl crush or your boy group ultimate bias, whom would you pick?

4. Do you like video games? If yes, which ones?

5. Reality tv or sci fi shows?

6. Are you a closet geek for a show?

7. Favourite cartoon show as a child?

8. Favourite singer from any other genre of music other than Kpop?

9. Favourite animal?

10. Hobbies?

11. Biggest source of inspiration for writing?


Tagging -

1. ruka26203

2. shawolistic

3. RukawaHolmes

4. Ryukai

5. zhaicookie96

6. Samjaeexo4D

7. _ExoticBaby_

8.  Saumya

9. Shadow_Dagger

10. EXOtic-12

11. ThatAwkwardMomentWhen


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Hehe, you weren't supposed to put down my answers to the questions I got. Just my questions for you ^^;;
I'm kind of shocked about the 1D one. Maybe it's because a directioner is my best friend, but I have heard all of their title tracks. How have you avoided them? O.o