Tagged by killer_ace_machine


1: Post the rules

2: Answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones

3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post

4: Let them know you've tagged them


Here are my questions:

1.) Who is your bias in Topp Dogg?
-Unfortunately, I don't have one yet. =))) 
2.) What is the worst thing that has ever happened in your life? Who/What caused it?
-When we were passing by a farm or something and I fell on the mud completely covered and we were supposed to go to a school. I was just clumsy. :))
3.) How old are you?
-I just turned 15 last September 1. :) 
4.) Do you have a guy bestfriend? BE HONEST, do you have secret feelings for him?
-I have and yes, I do. We're not actually that bestfriend as you call, but we're close. :) He probably doesn't know it but.. I'll let him know at the right time. :)
5.) How long have you been a KPOPper?
-I'm 3rd year right now and I started when I was like the 1st year? I don't exactly remember but yeah. 2 years?
6.) Please tell me how you feel towards this, uhh, tag thingy. BE HONEST.
-I'm really thankful I was tagged. At least some of the people knows my stories and knew me for that. Thank you very much. :) 
7.) What do you think of TEENTOP's way of punishing the members during RANDOM PLAY DANCE IN WEEKLY IDOL? *sly grin*
-It's cute. I was laughing the whole time. =))) 
8.) Can you solve a rubix cube? What other kinds can you solve?
-Yeah, I did one but it took me like days. =)) Sodoku puzzles, I'm very good at it. =)) 
9.) Do you have LINE or KAKAOTALK? (Post in my wall your ID so I can add you, please?? Let's be friends.)
-I have, but I don't use them often. :)) I can't even remember my username. =)) I'm sorry guys. =)) 
10.) Are my questions lame? Kekeke.
-Of course not, I'm having fun. hehe.
11.) Hmmm, final question. Be straightforward, ne? After reading the questions I have made, what is your impression of me?
-I felt like you were a nice person that cares about others alot not just about Kpop but also our lives. I also think you like Topp Dogg and Teen top. My bias in Teen Top is Chunji and Chanjo, in case you want to know. =)) HAHAHA. Thank you for tagging me, love always. :) 
Aryaaaaaan's Questions: 
1. What made you like Kpop at the first place?
2. What was the most embarrasing thing that has happened to you?
3. Ideal type?
4. What are some of your talents?
5. How old are you?
6. What is your nationality?
7. Twitter? I'll follow you. :)
8. Bad habits?
9. Languages you can speak fluently?
10. Tell me some of interesting stories of your life.
11. What was you first impression of me, based on my questions as well as my answers? 



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killer_ace_machine #1
I'm an EXOtic and I love ALLLLLLLL KPOP groups.. HAHAHH XD... I'm a random type of girl... HAHHA XD.. SO random, ne???

Thank you for answering and tagging!!