Questions for others~

Hello! I guess it's my turn to ask some questions. These are for: lovelyraein, ClassA, ExoKai121, EXOticINSPIRIT127, ExoGeneration12, iGiraffe, Hunlyn, Victoriaxox, seocatherine, likechocolate and last of all eishashoo. 

1. Say your walking down the street and you see your favourite bias walking towards you, what would you do?

2. Exo and BAP are having their signing times at different places ,where ever you live, and they are many hours away from each other so you can't go to both, where would you go?

3. What's your favourite dance cheography and why?

4. Your sitting at your favourite cafe in Korea when suddenly EXO comes in, what is your reaction?

5. What would you do when you find out that your related to Kai from Exo?

6. What's your ideal girl/guy?

7. If you had a choice, who would you date that is an idol?

8. Your walking down the street when you get pulled into a black van, your tied up and pushed down in a corner. Your screaming and screaming when suddenly you hear a thump, you open your eyes to find................ZELO saving you! What is your reaction? (I would faint :D)

Sorry its not a lot of questions........ But I hope you can answer them~!


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JellobaByNaekoYya #1
1.Will smile to him,but not fangirling
2.B.A.P haha...
3.B.A.P WARRIOR,because they dance cheograph were very cool~~
4.I would just smile,hahhhahaa,,weird because every girls will ask for their autograph..
5.I will faint..
6.A guy who can sing and play anything instrument like piano and gitar
7.Zelo from B.A.P
8.I would say "thank you for saving me" and then i will walk away

I really like your question:)
1. Try my hardest to not fangirl but be like "Oh aren't you ****?" to at least try to start a conversation LOL ~
2. EXO but I would sooo want to go to BAP's too but I guess Exo won this one.
3. Oh hard one. Maybe Infinite - The chaser, Exo - Mama and History and also After school flashback. I like fast ones and when you move around and do difficult moves hehe.
4.Try to approach them somewhat "normally" without being irritating and trying to talk with for a moment and then maybe leave them to rest.
5. Noo way he's my bias in Exo Q.Q But I guess I'll be like "dude where's my y and amazing-dance genes".
6. Someone who's caring, fun, good with children, funny and warm.
7. Myungsoo, Kai or maybe Baekhyun. I know a loooot more but these are the ones I can think of now.
8. Hug him and thank him and since he saved me probably ask him to marry me LOL.

Fun questions thank you for asking me! ^^ ~
1. Answer- If they were especially coming towards me then i would say hi but try not to fangirl

2. Answer- i would go to Exo because i dont know BAP that well but i like them too but i love EXO

3.Answer- i can't pick one but i'll tell you which ones i like - Exo Mama, History and Growl- because Mama is strong and powerful, History has swag and Growl is just Y ans SMOOTH~

4.Answer- I would look at them and smile but i will definetly not over react. If they come and talk to me then i would answer calmly and try to make them laugh because many people say i'm kinda of a joker. I think im a mood maker like Exo Baekhyun and my Bff is the reaction Queen like Chanyeol

5. Answer- i would be the happiest sister alive, plus i'll get to see exo often ㄱ ㄱ ㄱ ㄱ

6.Answer- warm hearted guy on the inside, someone that can make me smile and love me for who i am.

7. Answer- this is like the hardest question ever!!! Why you doing this to me!!! Errrmm....Sehun because he is the youngest in Exo and im young and he looks kinda fun or Baekhyun because he is the cut funny one that can make me laugh and we have the same personality and alot in common

8. Answer- I would faint so he can carry me and take care of me. I would give him puppy dog eyes while he's rescuing me.

P.S thnx for tagging me and i loved your questions. * Buing buing*
1. Greet him properly.
2. Exo
3. BTS-N.O, I watched their dance practice almost everyday. I think that they had a hard time learning the choreograph. Its the best choreograph so far.
4. Keep calm and act cool in front of them :)
5. OMG! Excited like crazy!
6. Well mannered, kind, sweet, loving, caring, romantic,funny and someone who can accept you for who you are.
7. Lay
8. I will stare at him the whole time he's saving me.

P/S : I love all of your question. It seems like your ultimate group are Exo and BAP :)
1) Say hi
2) GO TO EXO's
3) EXO's growl or wolf coz their both fun and easy
4) inwardly scream, but probably just be very very surprised.
5) be like OMG... WHAT?
6) a funny, good to hang out, kind and sweet kind of person
8) I'll be like uhhh... Thanks for saving me?