Questions and Answers (from ClassA)

Hey Guys, well Class A has tagged me and I'm gonna answer the questions I guess?? I'll do my very best, well here goes. 

What is your favourite song and why?

Hmmmm, thats a hard one, I like a lot of songs, but for me right now I'll have to choose EXO's History. Because it's catchy, upbeat and I like the moves.

If you could go to any place in the world where would it be abd with whom?

Aish, this is also a hard one, I would want to go to Korea or Paris and I have to go with my besties!

What is your ideal type of guy/girl?

Um, I'm a girl and I live in Australia. So, I would say one of those silent types, who is caring on the inside but kind of cold on the outside, I don't know why, haha.

What is your ambition?

Ooh thats a hard one, well I've always dreamt of becoming a dancer and singer, but in Korea not here. 

What is your favourite feature on yourself?

I am a very ugly girl so it's hard to say. But if I had to choose, then I like my body (I know it sounds weird but read the rest) Because no matter how much I eat, I will never become fat (YES!!)

If you saw me in a cafe, and your sure it's me, what would you do? 

Well, it's ClassA who asked this so, I would go up and ask straight on! If it wasn't I' utterly embarassed and buy that person a coffee....

You saw your bias on the street, on a date, how do you react?

Um, I would totally ignore it then go home, and talk and talk about it on the phone with my bestie well sulk really. 

What special item would you give your bias if you could?

I have one VERY special item and it's a necklace my dad gave me, and I can't give away that so........ I have no idea really.

Do you ever scare yourself thinking you're in some kind of horror film?

uh No, not really, never though of that.

If you were the last person and object in the universe, given the opportunity what would you ask for or do?

I would ask for everyone and everything to come back the way it was.

Would you sacrifice the person you love yo save the world, or would you sacrifice the world to save your one true love?

Simple, if i wasn't in reality, I would sacrifice the world, if I was in reality, I would sacrifice my selfish needs to save the rest of the innocent lives out there. 

I really hope you guys a satisfied with the answers :D


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ClassA #1
Haha, re the guys in Australia really that different? :')
You necklace sound really precious ^_^ of course, it's not something to give your bias :') I meant giving them an object that would be special to them :') haha

It was nice to read this and... have some more confidence in yourself! I bet you're far from ugly really ;)
Anyway, I answered your questions too, although I hope this tagging stops soon :')