♚ Kween | ♚ Joyce Xu | ♚ Joyce



♚ Joyce Xu




♚ Welcome To Our Dream

Character Name: Joyce Xu

Other Names: Chinese Name is Xu Tian. 

Nicknames: None.

Age: 23

Birthdate: 1990 July 27th

Birthplace: Denver, Colorado

Hometown: Denver, Colorado

Ethnicity: American-born Chinese

Languages Known: Chinese & English (fluent), Korean (she knows enough to get by but not tons.)


♚ Goodbye, Hello



Plotline: The Child

Personality: Stage!Joyce is some kind of fierce monster. She's charismatic onstage and absolutely rocks even the most ridiculous of concepts. Joyce likes to says she was born to perform; it really does make sense. She's passionate about the music she makes and writes most of her raps. Joyce didn't grow up surrounded by music, but now that it's a part of her life she loves it a lot. Joyce is pretty confident, as well. She says what's on her mind and means what she says, no matter what. And she loves herself - she's not the type of person with no self-esteem that complains about that very fact all the time. Instead, Joyce lovers herself and does her best to love her bandmates too, even if times get hard. She's a good leader.

Offstage!Joyce is a different person; she's rather childish and cutesy. Joyce is definitely full of aegyo, too; she can use it to get what she wants with ease. If it weren't for her looks it'd be easy to mistake her for the maknae. Joyce even likes kiddy sorts of stuff - she collects lots of Hello Kitty merch and plays childish video games on her 3DS. In interviews she tries to cover up the side of her that's so childish...let's just say that it doesn't always work. She's the playful type of person and likes pranks (Though she can't pull one to save her life) , and is really good with little kids and animals. Her childishness is still a flaw, though. Joyce doesn't know how to work hard and if something doesn't come naturally to her, Joyce won't even try it. She's got to learn that working hard is a part of being an idol before it's too late.

Background: Joyce Tian Xu was born to two Chinese parents in Denver, Colorado in 1990. She had a pretty normal life, for a girl with Chinese parents. She was pressured to do well in school and generally got pretty good grades but she was always more of a perfomer. Joyce competed in every talent show (usually playing piano or violin) that her parents let her, eventually being scouted when she was 20. She had pretty much no drama (other than Korean dramas /shot) before she was scouted, aside from her parents not approving of her going to JX...but that is besides the point! 

Style: Gyaru, gyaru and more gyaru 

Formal Style: 1 2 3 4 5

Casual Style: 1 2 3 4 5

Dorm Style: 1 2 3 4 5

Airport Style: 1 2 3 4 5

Height: 170 cm

Weight: 53 kg


♚ You're The Reason Why


Christina Wang Xu | 58 | Mother | Teacher | 3
Joseph Wu Xu | 56 | Father | Doctor | 4

Best Friend: Angela Cai | 23 | They were ABC buddies all throughout high school, hitting it off immediately. | Mainly since they're ABC buddies, like I said - Angela's like Joyce's mature other half. | OC

Friends: Cha Sunwoo/Baro | Idol | 21 | Idol (B1A4 - Main rapper)
Grace Baxter | OC | 23 | College student & nurse


Rival: [Name | Age | How you met | Why are you rivals? | Idol or OC? | Ending Together?] 


♚ Miss Moving On


2nd Lover/Ex lover name: Kim Bum

Age: 24

Personality: Kim Bum is a nice guy - horribly so. He's the kind of guy that girls fall for but he doesn't even notice, and now that he's got a girlfriend of his own it's even worse. He's a great friend, but he can't really be more than a great friend because he's so damn oblivious and nice! 

Relationship: Joyce is just another girl with a crush on a man named Kim Bum...or she was, anyways. She doesn't think much of him now because in the two years they knew each other he couldn't really figure out her feelings. And he's got a girlfriend now. Of course.

Ending together?: Not together. 


♚ Wanna Be With You...


Lover Name: Sandeul / Lee Junghwan

Age: 21

Group: B1A4

Personality: Like Joyce, Sandeul is a a childish guy with a big sense of humor and an even bigger appetitie. He's honest and really funny, though also a bit ditzy and kind of insane...but when he's onstage, also a lot like Joyce, he transforms from baby to beast. Have you heard this guy sing? Because he's an amazing vocalist. He transforms.

How you met/want to meet?: Backstage during something...? Up to you, author.

Relationship: Really, to Joyce, Sandeul is just that annoying guy 2 years younger than Joyce that bugs her all the time - but she still really, really likes him. It's complicated.

Ending together?: Up to you, author! Again. 

Back-up Lover: Baro (B1A4)


♚ Nappeun Namja~!



Love Rival Name: Sam Carter 

Age: 25

Personality: Sam's a nice guy - unused to Korea, much like Joyce, but nice nonetheless. He's passionate about music more than he is being an idol, though, and is kind of quiet. 

How you two met/want to meet: On the set of shooting a video?

Relationship: Sam likes Joyce, Joyce likes Sam. Everything would be wonderful if Junghwan wasn't in the picture...Joyce just likes Junghwan more

Why are you love rivals?: Well. Stated above.

Ending Together?: Up to you!


♚ Only Hope

Position: Main rapper, leader, vocalist

Back-up Position: Main dancer, sub-rapper

Persona: The Childish Leader

Stage Name: Joyce

Fanclub Name: Joys

Fanclub Color: #DF013A

Trainee Life: Joyce was scouted after competing and winning first place in a talent show, playing violin. She picked up rapping almost immediately and even met Kim Bum, which...well...yep. Her heartbreak over him not noticing her was what drove her to work a bit harder, really.

Trainee Years: 3 years

Comments: You didn't include a FC section? Mine's Yenny from Wonder Girls, jsyk.

Suggestions: Nah~

Requests: General Joyce/Junghwan/Sam cuteness, I guess?

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