elevensies game (tagged by taquitosnomnom and exoticbabylove)

everyone knows the rules


TaquitosNOMNOM's questions:

1. What do you prefer, internet or t.v? (Internet~)

internet. :D

2. What's your favorite movie?

Burlesque~ (and Fame-- the newer version)

3. Do you believe in reincarnation? Why?

I don't. I believe in afterlife, but not heaven and hell and that stuff.

4. Family or friends?

choose between? family because friends are ed. (not you internet friends or kenzie i loVE YOU GUYS OKAY)

5. Do you like school?

this is such a bad question. no, but yes because i get to be smaaaaaaaaart

6. Will you give me a massage?


7. Favorite drama? (Heirs is so dang cute~! ^o^ )

i've only watched 2 OTL Dating Agency: Cyrano

8. Asian or American men?

if by American you mean white, then American men

9. Am I cool?

no you're not not as cool as me bruh

10. What's the first Korean word you learned?

Saranghae~ after watching the eng. subs to Pink Romance a billion times i figured it out

11. Have you tasted sushi?

yes and i HATE it


exoticbabylove's questions:

1) Who would you like to marry in K-Pop?

marry a kpop star? no.

2) Have you ever been look up to a person? Who?

looked up to or looked up to someone???? i've been looked up to by my little sister and some of my friend's younger siblings... and i look up to a lot of people

3) Best song you ever heard?

G-Dragon's Coup D'Etat album is literally ear

4) Is that a quote which you got so touched before? (Mind sharing this?)

Everything has it's beauty, but not everyone sees it. --Confucius. I don't know, this is the only quote I've really stuck with, ya know? I like it so much~

5) Choose between the two. Anime OR K-pop?

kpop because i haven't watched anime

6) How you got to know this website? Do you like it?

through googling kwangmin photos... yes

7) Would you watch a movie full of bloody scenes?

if it wasn't horror then yes.....

8) Do you like the memories you had during 2013?

not most of them

9) Would you miss 2013?

well, yes..??

10) Which country pop do you like best? (K-pop/ J-pop/C-pop/ American Pop/etc)


11) Have you ever fall in love with a fictional character?

yes~ Mullet Fingers


not gonna tag or anything and please don't tag me in any more!




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TaquitosNOMNOM #1
You gave me a massage?