
The Rules:

1. Post the Rules rule

2. Answer the questions the tagger asked, then make 11 new ones rule

3. Tag 11 people and link them to the post rule

4. Let them know you've tagged them


-Tagged by BR3ZZiPOP  ♥



 BR3ZZiPOP's questions:

1. If you could dye your hair a wacky color, what color would it be?

- Hm... probably grey...? I really want grey hair LMAO

2. What kind of pet did you have when you were younger?

- I had a cat, a turtle and a hamster ;____;

3. Your favorite kpop group? (male and female)

- 2NE1 & BIG BANG.

4. What are you scared of?

- People... I'm really scared of the twisted things people are capable of...

5. If you were the second to last person on earth, who would you want the other person to be and why?

- I won't say my bias, because (sadly) maybe my bias wouldn't wanna be with me... I can't think of anyone I'd want to be with... I can't seem to trust or truly love anybody lately... I think it'd be interesting if it was Bang Yongguk?

6. Favorite kpop song?

- I can't choose... Probably SPICA's Russian Roulette...

7. Are you good at staring contests?

- Never tried lol

8. Have you ever been to any concerts?

- I've been to a Korean Traditional Music concert... I cried for probably the whole show lmao

9. How were you introduced to kpop?

- I had a car accident and I was recovering at home when my bestfriend visited once and made me listen to DBSK... You could say that Kpop really helped a lot through that period.

10. What kind of aff stories do you like reading?

- I really like unsual, crooked and enticing stories... I'm a person who does not really like reality lol so yeah whatever is it that's out of the norm, me lovey~ 

11. If your bias suddenly called you from out of nowhere, how would you react?

- LMAO I really don't know!! But I recently found out that I could manage myself quite well among important people, so I guess I'd just stand there and try to keep my feels in place and just try to take it all in and then I'd probably hug him lol


1. What is one trait about yourself that you really wish you didn't have? 

2. Which artist would you like to sing like?

3. Who is your ultimate bias?

4. Do you see yourself having your bias' children?

5. What is one thing you'd like to eradicate from this planet?

6. Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?

7. Your favorite animal?

8. Your favorite book?

9. Would you rather live by yourself or with someone (friends, family)?

10. What do you find really attractive in a person?

11. Somewhere you dream to live in?


The Tagged:













ps: I'm really sorry if this troubles you lol you really don't have to do it!


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Totally agree with 4 and 10. And I'm going to answer here if that's okay :)

1) I hate that I can never put in 100% effort into things. I'm so lazy and unmotivated >.<

2) I would like to sing like Jessica from SNSD or Lorde <3

3) My ultimate bias is Lee Hyukjae of Super Junior :)

4) I could actually. This may sound conceited but in all honesty, seeing Hyukjae's personality, I think it would be really good with mine. I think we would balance each other out :)

5) I would want all ignorance gone. Especially when it comes to mental health related issues and just people's feelings in general

6) I really can't see myself in 10 years tbh, but I'm hoping I'm doing alright xP

7) My favorite animal is the tiger :)

8) Favorite book- Catcher in the Rye and The Count of Monte Cristo :)

9) I would prefer living with my friends (but obviously husband once I get one haha)

10) I like when people can be open. Not necessarily about personal, deep things, but about things that clearly show that they aren't afraid of being judged. I also like people with a sense of humor- not too sensitive, but not too blunt either :)

11) I truly don't know where I want to live, but I want to travel as much as possible!

Thank you for tagging me~ :)